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it has been two months oh my god someone slap me in the face with a potato i am so sorry


- a few days later -

After God gave us weapons, He, Luke and Alex have been training me and the humans at Alex' house. They had a huge house with a loy of training spaces and all sorts of weapons. On the first day we discovered that, even though I killed one of my brothers with one, I was a disaster at fighting with a dagger, so Alex has been training me with bow and arrows. They were really good at using it, and even though they told me that I was doing a good job, it still felt like I was terrible. Even though I could shoot the target, it was never in the middle, and shooting them had no use without killing them. Still, Alex convinced me that I was better than them when they first started.

At first, I didn't see why using an arrow would even work for killing a demon, since the crossed-shaped daggers were blessed by God, but after asking Alex they pointed out that all their arrow were, in fact, blessed by God. And after looking good at the arrows, I noticed that tehy were slightly crossed-shaped and that they had old ruines on them. Alex warned me to not accidentally stab myself with one because it would hurt like "hell".

At one point I caught Luke watching me, and I wanted to prove him that I could take care of myself. With that thought I actually shot in the middle and Alex said that they were really proud of me. By the time I could look back without drawing much attention, Luke was already gone. That night, while we were having dinner (only Calum, Ashton and I ate, Alex drank a bottle of saved up demon blood - it made Ashton throw up the first time he saw it-) Alex told about my succes, and I saw Luke smiling widely, a glint of proudness in his eyes. The weird feeling came back and him being proud of me made me want to be even better.

After dinner, Alex and I practiced some more until I couldn't focus because I was too tired. I had been sleeping awful for the past few days and it came crushing down on me. i almost collapsed on the groud, but Alex quickly caught me before I could hit the ground. They brought me to a chair and gave me some water. All my emotions got stronger and I suddenly realised what was going on. How could Alex be so calm about everything? The devil himself was after us and here we were, worrying about my health. I saw a figure creep up after Alex and I reacted quickly. I took the dagger that was on Alex' belt and grabbed the person by the troat, knife pointed to their chest. my vision was blurred by my fear and will to protect Alex so I didn't see who it was until I made eye contact with those beautiful blue eyes.

I gasped and stumbed back, dropping the knife on the floor while staring at my hands. I was going crazy. I almost killed Luke. What was happening to me? Was this all the result of my 'family' hunting us?

Many emotions washed over me, but one was the strongest. Fear. I was turning in one of them. I was turning into a monster. I almost killed him. I couldn't trust anything and anyone. This is all my fault. They are in trouble, training to fight for their lives, all because of me. I did this to them. I did this to Luke. To Alex. To the humans. They were hiding because of me. The humans were mortal, and they could die.

I looked up, confusion and fear written all over Luke's face. I felt drops of sweat dribbling down my forehead and my hands couldn't stop shaking. I did this to them. My breathing was ragged and unstable and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinced, looking at who it was. Alex looked worrying at me. It hit me how much you could tell from someone's eyes. And I knew that all the worry in everyone's eyes were causted by me.

I pulled Alex' hand back and picked up the knife, before running away. I could hear their yelling but then Luke's voice, telling them to leave me alone for a bit. Little did he know that this was going to be for longer than a little bit. I had to leave. They weren't save with me around. I had to go to my father and let him do to me what he wants to. I had to tell him that he needed to leave all these people alone.

I was almost at the doors when something small jumped in front of my legs, making me trip. I looked up at what it was and saw that it was Alex' cat. The creature looked at me, their eyes full with curiousity. Again with the eyes. Why couldn't we just use words? This way it would be easier than constantly having to figure out what their eyes are saying. I was blown away when i felt something hairy creeping in my arms. It was the cat. It curled up into my chest and I wrapped my arms around it. Suddenly I couldn't hold it anymore. I let it all out, full on sobbing. The cat didn't mind. It's eyes said it all.


this turned out more dramatic than I expected, but i'm okay with it.

for real though, i am so sorry for not updating for two fucking months??? i have been busy with things and i haven't been feeling well lately, mentally, and it just stopped me from doing anything besides sitting in my room and staring at the dark.

so yeah, the babe is going crazy. i had no idea where that came from.

before people are going to ask what hair colour he has in this story, i haven't rlly thought of a colour. so, for now, i'll just let it up to your imagination.

ur all gr8 and i love y'all lots and lots.

◈ liam

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