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yea ok here is the last chapter it's been a cool ride love u lots xxx

They were interrupted when a voice behind said 'Finally!'. They turned around and saw that God had joined them.

"I was wondering when you two were going to get together," He said with a chuckle. Michael blushed, which made Luke pinch his cheek with a grin plastered on his face. God continued with talking.

"You all did a good job. I can handle the rest from now on, and I thank you for this. If there is anything you need, just pray for it."

Luke cleared his throat and spoke up. "Actually, Lord, I have a request."

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Luke walked up the enormous stairs that lead to God's office, holding Michael's hand in his. Some of the angels shoot them glares, but they ignore it as they entered the office. They both bowed before looking up. God was sitting behind his desk, smiling at them and motioning to the chairs in front of his desk.

They both sat down and God handed them a piece of paper. It was a contract that they had to sign if the agreed to all the rules. They took a few seconds to read it through before looking at eachother, Luke squeezing Michael's hand.

"Have you read it and do you agree?" God asked. They said 'yes' at the same time and God nodded.

"Well then, Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings, I wish you both good luck with your life as humans." And with that He tapped them both on the forehead before it went white.

two years later

"Well, are you ready?" Ashton asked Luke as he was fixing his tie. Luke inhaled deeply and nodded, grinning widely.

After they had turned human, he, Michael, Ashton and Calum had returned to Australia. It turned out that God had wiped Luke's death from his parents' memories. Michael had died years before, so he found out that his parents had died. They had visited his old town and went to their graves. Michael could barely remember anything from them but it felt good to be there.

"Luke? It's time," Liz said from the door. Luke turned around to his mother and held in a giggle. They lead him outside and he stood at the alter, where he would be waiting for his soon-to-be husband.

He heard the sound of the door opening and then the music started playing. Michael was lead by Alex, since they were close to family to them. Once Michael reached the alter, Luke couldn't hold it in anymore. A toothy smile broke free on his face and Michael returned one.

The priest started talking but Luke wasn't paying attention, he was too busy staring at Michael. He felt so lucky to be with him, and even with everything they had gone through, they were able to stand here.

It wasn't easy in the beginning. Michael didn't really know what to do, but Luke was patient and was willing to help him with everything. Michael had read a lot of books about human behaviour and even went to school to study psychology.

"Luke," he heard Michael whisper. It broke him free from his thoughts and he noticed that everyone, including Michael, was staring at him worried.

"What?" he asked. He heard a chuckle from Calum.

"I asked, do you, Luke Robert Hemmings take Michael Gordon Clifford as your husband, and will you support him through good times and bad times until death tears you apart?" the priest repeated. Suddenly it clicked in his head, he was so spaced out that he missed it.

"Yes, I do." The priest turned to Michael.

"Do you, Michael Gordon Clifford take Luke Robert Hemmings as your husband, and-" He was cut off by Michael.

"Yes, yes I do."

"You may now kiss the groom." And that's what they did. For a second they forgot that people were watching, since they were so caught up with eachother.

"I love you." Luke whispered against's Michael's lips when they pulled away.

"And I love you." Michael whispered back.

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Luke was tapped on the shoulder and excused the person he was talking to.

"Congratulations, I hope you two will be happy," the person said. Luke was surprised and didn't know what to say or what to do, so he made an awkward half-bow.

"Oh, hello God. Uh I-, thank you?" he stuttered. "What brings you here?"

"I am here to bring my blessings. And I have got something to tell you and your husband," God explained. Luke called Michael over, who was also startled.

"I think you both have been wondering something." They gave Him a confused look. "How come you two were the only angels who could remember anything from your past." They nodded.

Luke had been thinking of it, even after he became human. He even stayed up nights, thinking of reasons but he could never think of one. He had put it behind him and lived further, he was just happy that it turned out this way.

"The reason for that is, is because you were, no, are soulmates. Everything that happened, was to bring you together," God explained. Luke couldn't believe it, and seeing Michael's look he couldn't either. After that, God excused Himself and the two were left there.

Ashton came up to them, Calum behind him and he grabbed Michael's arm. "Hey, I am going to steal your hubbie for a second," he said as he pulled Michael away. The went over to where other people were dancing, and started dancing (weirdly) too. Luke was laughing when he was joined by someone.

"You know, this all wouldn't have happened if you had just completed your mission," Alex said to him in a teasing way.

Luke stared lovingly at Michael. "I couldn't kill him even if I wanted to."


wow. this is it. the actual ending. well, not really, since there will be an epilogue but i know some of you will probably not read it because of reasons (and that is totally okay ily), so i will make this the ending talk.

it's been a wild ride and i want to thank all of you who supported this story and made me want to write. this is the first chaptered story that i finish so this is quite a big deal.
i hope people will continue to enjoy this story when i edited and changed the characters, but in case you want to read the original, i will post a link soon on tumblr where i will post everything.

for now, thank you and i love you friends.


(ps i know gay marrige isnt legal in australia but god cracked a dad joke so)

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