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Michael woke up with Luke's arms around him, and his head resting on his chest. He wondered what Luke was like when he was still alive. He must've been happier. Michael wished he had known him back then, that they could lie in bed like they did now. But sadly, the reality couldn't be more different. 

"I can hear that you're awake," Luke whispered. Michael groaned and snuggled further into his chest. He'd hoped that Luke wouldn't have noticed, and that they could stay like that longer. He liked the silence, but he knew that Luke probably wanted to talk or get ready for the day.

"I want to stay here too, believe me. But we have problems to deal with, and staying here all day isn't going to solve them." Michael knew he was right, so he untangled himself from Luke's arms and sat up. Luke was staring at him with a huge smile on his face. Oh no, please don't tell me that I have bed hair. His hands immediatly shot up to his hair.

Luke let out a laugh. "Michael, calm down, your hair is okay."

"Then why were you smiling at me like that?"

"Oh, it's nothing," he mumbled back, glancing at his lap. Michael shot him a confused look, but Luke didn't notice. 

"Michael, no offence, but when was the last time you had a shower?" Luke suddenly asked. A shower? Michael had no idea what he was talking about. Probably another human thing.

"What's a shower?"

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Luke saw that Michael was serious, and very confused. His expression softened. "You really don't know? Well, you go under this stream of water, to wash all the dirt off your body," he explained.

"Can you show me how it works?" Michael asked. Luke's head shot up and he looked really uncomfortable, his cheeks turning pink.

"Uhm, well, you see. When you shower, you are naked." Michael felt his cheeks warm up as well. He felt so stupid, asking something like that. He should've known that you don't wash yourself with clothes on.

"I'll show you how to turn the shower on, and I'll get you some clothes. There are some bottles in the bathroom. The one that says 'shampoo' is for your hair, the other one is called 'shower gel' for your body. When you're done, you turn the shower off and dry yourself with a towel," Luke explained, as he grabbed some things out of the closet. He handed over a pair of jeans, underwear and a sweater. Michael thanked him and followed him to the bathroom. He showed how to turn the shower on and off, and left. Michael locked the door, even though he knew Luke could just float through the door if he needed to. 

He followed Luke's directions, and as he was drying himself off he heard a knock on the door. He quickly put on underwear and the sweater, that was way too big on him, and wrapped his hair up in the towel. He opened the door slightly, and saw Luke standing there. He eyed Michael up and down.

"You knocked?" Michael asked, feeling uncomfortable under Luke's stare. He shook his head a bit and replied.

"There's an angel looking for me. She wants to speak to me and she'll probably locate me soon. I promise that she won't hurt ou, but it's better if you hide in here. I'm not sure what she wants, but I won't be taking any risks." Michael nodded, and closed the door again. He put on the jeans and took the towel of his hair. 

When he walked back into the room, Luke looked as if he was deep in thought. He jumped up when he noticed Michael. He wondered why Luke seemed so stressed. Could it be because of the other angel?

"We have to leave, now." Michael frowned, he was very confused. They couldn't leave. He knew Seth, and he knew that he would find out that Ashton lied, and he would go after him. They had to stay, to protect him. 

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