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After avoiding Ron for the next week and a half, Gene had found her comfort by the lake, keeping Neville company as he explored the mystical waters that surrounded Hogwarts. Harry sometimes joined them, when he wasn't busy with the Tournament, though Lorelai usually was there when he wasn't.

"Amazing." Neville muttered, "Amazing!"

They were both stood knee deep in the lake, looking for something Gene couldn't quite remember the name of. If it made Neville happy, though, she was prepared to do it.

"Neville-" Harry said, causing the pair to look up, "You're doing it again." he said from his seat at the tree trunk, glancing over a book.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Neville apologised.

"Never mind him, Neville," Gene glared at Harry, though he was too preoccupied by the book in front of him. "did you find it yet?" she asked hopefully, though he shook his head.

"Magical water plants of the Highland Lochs?" Harry read the title of the book in his lap, skimming through the pages.

"Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea." he looked up, beginning to wave and Gene followed his gaze, finding Ron, Hermione and Ginny approaching.

Hermione discreetly gestured Gene over and her brows furrowed in confusion, before doing as told. She stepped out of the water, careful as to where she put her feet when Hermione met her halfway, pulling her close to speak quietly.

"Ronald would like me to tell you to tell Harry, that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for him." Hermione managed to spit out, though Gene's mind went blank.

"Well-" she went to turn to Harry, though she stopped herself as she glanced at Hermione again, "What?" her head tilted in confusion.

"Um-" Hermione was at a loss as she walked back to Ron, and they whispered some more before she came back, "Dean was told by Parvati that- Please don't make me say it again. Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione looked past Gene to Harry now.

"Well, you can tell Ronald-" he went to speak to Hermione as she walked off in irritation.

"I'm not an owl!" she exclaimed, glancing at the pair, before stalking off with Ginny, Ron glaring at Gene and Harry before following them.

Later on that afternoon, Gene and Harry made their way to class together next period, but they had encountered more glares in the corridors than usual. Gene finally got a good look at the reason why, a badge showing Cedric with a smile before spinning into a picture of Harry with the words, 'Potter Stinks!' on it. She might have found it funny, if not for the circumstances.

Gene's lips formed a tight line as they continued through the corridors, ignoring the insults thrown Harry's way until they got to the stone archway that led to the courtyard, where some sixth years blocked the path.

"Like the badge?" the boy asked, Gene recognising him as one of Cedric's friends.

"Excuse me." Harry said politely, though they didn't budge.

"Oh, piss off." Gene glared at them, and they moved aside now.

Gene's temper had proven to be of good use, as they approached Cedric and his other friends who made more snide comments. Once they'd caught the glare on Gene's face, however, they quietened down.

"Can I have a word?" Harry asked Cedric. The three walked away some distance, and before Cedric could even ask, "Dragons." Harry said, Cedric's smile faltering instantly, "That's the first task. They've got one for each of us." he explained.

THE TWO WITNESSES | RON WEASLEY [BOOK TWO]Where stories live. Discover now