"He's just a friend"

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I walk to my room and my phone rings. Annoyed I answer


"Tortoise chill its me" Shawn says

"You actually called? That's new" I chuckle

"Tease me all you want but I told you I changed"  I can hear the smirk in his voice

"Whatever" I say as I roll my eyes

"Did you get home safe?" I ask

"Yeah. Did the drama king do anything stupid once I felt?" He questions

I giggle "He didn't. He actually just...chilled"

"I would have expected him to throw a fit" he says and we both chuckle

"Me too but he sure is full of surprises" I inform him


"I have to go. Goodnight" I say


"Goodnight" he responds and I hang up


Ignoring the knock I walk to my closet to find my PJs. I can't deal with James right now. My door cracks open

"Erin honey, is everything okay?"

Great its mom

"Hey mom, yeah it is why?" I ask

"So nothing is wrong?" She asks again

"No, why?" I am puzzled!

"So everything is alright?" She asks again

"Yes mom..it is" I answer

"So why did you ditch James's practice?" She asked sternly

I froze. He ratted on me? I knew he was petty but I wouldn't have thought he would be the one to snitch. I could have told mom and dad that he snuck out, snuck in a girl and fingered Natalie during diner but I didn't yet he chose to rat me out cause I ditched his practice? Real mature James, real mature.

"I–I..." I stammer

"Before you choose a suitable lie, I know you went off to see some boy. I won't deny you the privilege to date–"

"He's just a friend" I interrupt

"Fine. When I assign you to do something I expect you to do it not ditch it. No matter how James may seem " hardcore" he needs a lot of emotional support when he plays. He gets insecure. The fact that he has a sister now means he can always have someone around when we can't be. You can go out with your friends and do whatever but not when family needs you okay?" He said

"Yes mom" I say and we hug. She then walks out of my room and I start changing. I wasn't feeling sleepy so I decided to watch sex education in the home theatre.

After getting all my snacks I walk into theatre and what I find shocks me, James is watching Moana. I couldn't help but laugh. This tough over dramatic jerk watches Disney films? He doesn't even notice me. I close the door behind me just sit in the back seats since he was sitting in the front.

Halfway the the film Mai starts singing and James joins. I'm completely and utterly shocked. Him singing this means he's watched this a couple of times. I couldn't help but notice how decent he's voice was. I could listen to him sing for 5 minutes and still want to live.

During his performance he turned and he spotted me. He just stopped dead in his tracks. I could see how embarrassed he was. Out of nowhere he smirked, calming himself then said

"Would have thought it would be my mom who catches me singing Moana" and with that he takes his stuff and leaves.

What just happened? How does he do that? This boy is confusing. REPEAT after Me
'CONFUSING'. On the other hand its cute how he's a sucker for Disney films though I'm not a fan.

I decide to watch sex education after he left. Half way though the season he came back. I watch him walk to sit next to me. When he does I ignore him and continue watching my show.

"Have you had sex?" He asks

Caught of guard I choke on my drink


"Have you been fucked before" he whispers seductively into my ear.

Shivers go down my spin but I won't let him notice that

"Why does that matter?" I retort

"You are watching a sex series" he simply says

"So are you" I answer

"Yeah but we both know I fuck" he states.

"So have you been fucked?" He asks again

The memory of how I lost my virginity is not such a pleasant one. It was consensual, I am just disappointed with how it happened. It wasn't in a hotel room with rose petals on the bed, strawberry scented candles and sensual music playing like how I wanted it to be. It was more like drunk in the back of a car after a friend's party. It wasn't beautiful fucking, it was sloppy fucking and the same day I learnt how to fake an orgasm. I have had sex after that day but it was with same person and it was still sloppy or maybe it was good and I was just being sulky.

"Yes I have" I finally answer

"Did you cum?" He pushes on

Knowing the answer I stand up and say

"This is the part I leave you to your assumptions"

As I walk past him he grabs my hand and I turn slowly to look at him.

"I can fuck you better than he ever could in five minutes" he whispers seductively

Dumbfounded I yank my hand away from him and walk away. To be honest I'm a little turn on by what he said. I am blushing... Considering the way Natalie was screaming while he had her... well she could have been faking it. Well I guess we will never know.

I get to my room and get into bed. My door opens and I look up to see who it is.

"Can I help you?" I say pretentiously annoyed

"Goodnight" he says and walks out.

"Goodnight" I whisper back

I can't help but smile. I have no idea why I'm smiling but on that note I fall asleep.

Hey guys tell me what you think.
You know the motto:

Love, Olly

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