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I walk to the heads office to get my schedule. The queue is long. How many new students are there? Aagh! I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see one of James' friends with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh hey" I smile back

"Hey. Do you remember my name?" he teases me

"Um noo don't do that. You know I don't" I say and we both chuckle

"Alex." He says and I nod

"So Erin what are you doing after school?" He asks

"Didn't James say that I am off limits?" I tease and he smirks

"No one is off limits." His smirks grows wider

"In that case I have cheer practise after school but nothing after that" I answer

He smiles then says "In that case I will pick you up at your house at 5. Is that cool?"

"I will talk to James and get back to you" I smile but I am actually serious. James would murder me if he found out that I went out with his friends without running it by him.

"Protective big brother. I get it, so I will text you then hear what James had to say." He remarks.

We end up talking all the way till I got my schedule and he got his. I didn't get why he hadn't collected it yesterday. According to school policy all old students got their schedules a day before schools opened. That way, new students wouldn't have to take so much time getting to class because of long queues but I guess 10% of the school didn't read the rule book.

Alex accompanied me to my class as we were still in conversation. He said goodbye at the door of the chemistry class. I knocked and I heard a condescending

"The door is open"

I wasn't expecting a British accent. I walked in and spotted my favourite person in the school...Stacy.

"Morning Sir. I..."

"You are sorry that you are late and will assure me that it won't happen again Miss..." he says looking through some papers the guy doesn't even look at me

"Charles" I say

"Good, Miss Charles you can take your seat next to Miss Whitley." He says still looking through some papers.

"Sir I don't know who that is." I say and the whole class laughs

"Oh my apologies, Miss Whitley raise your right hand." He says and sluggishly Stacy raises her hand and I dread going to sit next to her but I have to. The period flies by. Chemistry is my favourite subject and I wasn't going to let Stacy ruin this for me. At the end of the period Mr Evans and I were getting alone.

I went to all my classes and to be honest I was too tired to go for more classes. I was so happy when the lunch bell rang. My last class was English Language and I had it with Erika so we walked to the cafeteria together. Since we were cheerleaders we had to sit by the cheer table. I seriously thought that this was ridiculous it shouldn't have been a rule that cheerleaders sit on their own table. Social status was weirdly important here. 

We got into the cafeteria and I immediately spotted James. He smiled at me and I blushed then he turned away to continue his conversation with his peers. Alex  then looked at me and waved my way, I waved back and smiled at him as well. Erika elbowed me  then said

"WOW! James and Alex? You do know that they are friends."

"Yes Erika I know. FYI they are my friends. Let it go" I said and she chuckled

We got to our table and settled in with the rest of the girls. We engaged in conversation, the main topic was the cheer competition in a month. We already were talking about routine and I was elated that they were as organized as my last squad. Alex then walked to our table and sat right in-between Erika and I. I could tell that James was looking at us so I had to be careful.

"Hey stranger. You remember my name?" he said 

I laughed then said "Yeah I do remember your name Alex"

"So you aren't as bad with names as I thought" he commented and we both laughed

He took a fry from my food then said

"Have you thought about my offer?"

"You really just ate my food." I was slightly annoyed but it was cute.

"Go out with me then I will buy you more." he proposed

The entire table was looking at me waiting for my response.  There was no way I was saying yes so I leaned in close then said in his ear

"You still have to ask my brother"

He chuckled then he did something that I am still in shook right now.  


I could see James eyes pop out of his head, oh my goodness how dare he? James looked at me and I could tell he was hurt.

"SURE DUDE. GO AHEAD!" He shouted back. 

Oh my goodness! What the actual FUCK? Is James handing me over?

Hey guys tell me what you think.
Love, Olly.

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