"What are you? My doctor?"

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"To show you that I am sorry and that I will never hurt you again, I am ending us." He says.

"What?" I exclaim as I remove my hands from his chest and my cries become more airless.

"All I ever do is hurt you." He says

"So your solution is to hurt me even more? What kind of person are you?" I stand and begin to pace around.

"Erin, you can do so much better." He defends

"You don't get to make that decision for me." I protest

"I know that what I am doing is good for you" he says

"Good for me? What are you? My doctor?" I ask with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"What about what I want? Does it not matter?" I ask

"It does" he adds

"No it doesn't because you made this decision on your own without me" I say

"Please don't make this more difficult than it needs to me" he says.

"More difficult? I seem to be the only one hurting right now" I say

"No, you are not. This is what's best for both of us."

"Best for the both of us? This is what you do James, you run. You ran from your parents when things got tough and things aren't so great between us and now you are running. You hurt your parents when you started acting out and now you are hurting me. You've made it your life purpose to hurt. You take all the love in people and leave them hurting and empty. You, you bastard...you asshole, I will never understand why I fell in love with you. Dick!" I say shaking with anger and tears still flowing down my cheeks.

I feel pain in my chest and I hold it. I begin to rub it. My breathing becomes more difficult. He walks up to me and holds me.

"Don't touch me." I scream.

"Erin, you need help right now. Let me help you" he says worried

"You've helped me enough" I say as I fall to the floor.

"Erin!" he calls out.

"Leave get out!" I shout and he does so.

That's the last thing I remember right before I passed out.


"Leave get out!" she shouts and I do so.

I rush downstairs and call out for mom.

"WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?" she asks

"Erin she's...she was holding her chest and she started rubbing it and she...she"

"Oh my god. Gloria!" mom shouted

"Yes ma'am"

"Get Ronald in the drive way right now." She instructed

"Yes ma'am" she answers and hurries off.

She takes out her phone and calls dad as she rushes upstairs. In a few minutes a passed out Erin is being carried down by Ronald into the car and I am just standing there useless. I can see mom talking to me but I can't hear what she's saying. She just pulls my hand and I follow her into the car. Mom is talking to Erin, telling her she's going to be okay and Erin is not responding. My heart is breaking right now. We get into the hospital and Erin is tended to immediately. We follow the stretcher to a room and the door is closed behind Erin.

"Why can't we go in?" I ask

"Standard procedure, it will all be over soon okay." Says the nurse

"What happened?" asks the nurse

"She just collapsed" mom says

"Has she ever done this before?" she asks

"Not to my knowledge, no." mom replies

"Any pre-existing or underlining heart conditions?"


"Any allergies?"


"Who was she with when she collapsed?" she asked

"She was with her brother, my son James" mom answers

"Okay, tell me what happened right before she collapsed."

"She was holding her chest then she was rubbing it. She fell on her knees and that's when I called for help." I say

"Was she struggling to breathe?" she asks

"Yes, she was." I say and the nurse nods and walks away.

"That's my daughter." My mom says as she begins to cry.

What have I done?

"Don't worry Mrs. Hallow she will be fine just wait here let us attend to her okay." Responds the doctor and she disappears.

"She is going to be fine" says mom more to herself than to me as she hugs me.

After 30 minutes of waiting dad arrives and mom runs to him and hugs him. She breaks down completely she was holding all of this in to comfort me and now that her support structure is here she fell apart so he could catch her. My dad reassures mom as he also begins to tear up. He hugs me and I fall apart.

"It's my fault" I cry

"I was arguing with her" I tell him.

"It's going to be okay son, don't worry." He tells me and I want to believe him but I don't.

After another half an hour the doctor finally attends to us

"Erin's family?" she asks and dad stands to shake the doctor's hand.

"She will be fine. She had a severe panic attack. However, it didn't damage anything. We are giving her some anxiety medication. Try to create a stress free environment for her at all times. Has she seemed stressed in the past few days?" she asks

"No, I called her this morning and she was fine. We share everything." Answers my dad

"She is my best friend." He adds

I can hear how torn he is. I didn't realize what Erin means to this family. She has been there for mom and dad as well as me. She is the life of this family and here I was hurting her. I wasn't just hurting her, I was hurting the entire family. I made the right decision, though it might feel like it right now.


Hey guys tell me what you think.
Love, Olly.

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