Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I grunt as the overwhelming pain in my head throbbed me awake. I turned to my side and felt something warm and soft, my hand then glided up then down on what to me felt like skin, probably I fell asleep with Adelaide again. It would make sense after last night’s fiasco. 

"Ade… what time is it?" I yawn while stretching. 

"I believe it's six-seventeen in the morning." A raspy male voice answers making me spring awake and glare at who laid next to me. Mr. Stay here laid on his back with his head on his crossed arms, he stared at the ceiling but I could tell he wore a grin.

"Excuse me?" I say getting up from his bed. His bed? What the hell am I doing here? Where's Adelaide? What? When? Who? And why? 


"My house." He answered.

"Why am-"

"You fainted last night and misplaced your handbag that had your car keys enabling your friend from taking you home. Since my house is close I offered to bring you to tend to your hand." He says sitting up, his dark brown hair is long, it looks like it reaches his upper back. "How are you feeling?" He finally turns to face me, he's quite the looker. Such muscular body structure, narrow chin but his face is boldly structured. He wore a tight white long sleeve.

"I need to get home." I snap. "Where's Adelaide?" 

"She's with my brother," He says getting up from his bed and heading to a door where I presume is his restroom. "Edward will keep her safe, I swear." He spoke in a bit of an accent. 

"I need to go home," I said once more. "I have a very important meeting in just two hours and I need to clean all of this." I gesture down at myself. 

He looks at me from the corner of his eyes then veers away, " I'd say six?" 

"What?" I ask.

"You're dress size, is it a six?" 

I scoff. "A tad rude to be assuming a woman's dress size don't you think?" 

He chuckles. "I'm only asking to accommodate you properly." 

"You're just saying a whole lot of wrong," I say looking for my shoes, once I found them I picked them up, fixed my dress as much as I could, and made my way to the door to exit his room. All he did was stare with his arms crossed in amusement at everything I was doing. 

"Thank you for beating up that asshole last night, for stitching up my hand and caring for me. But I must say goodbye." I held my chin high and walked out of his room with confidence. 

I was startled by a man who wore a tux who simply bowed to my presence, I didn't know what to do so I awkwardly bowed back and wished him a good morning and asked for a way to the exit. He kindly led me to the entrance of this amazing looking contemporary designed house and gave me my house keys, my phone, and handed me some car keys that I have no knowledge of. He instructed me that his master told him that I was to use one of his master's cars until they were able to find mine. I kindly rejected his offer and ordered myself an Uber and left. I have been texting Adelaide all morning but no reply, I am debating if I should go to the police at this point. What if Mr. Stay here did something to me while I slept? The thought only invoked rage and fear causing me to cry in the damn Uber on my way home.

I opened my door and lightly closed it behind me, there I pushed myself against the door and dropped to the floor. As I sat wallowing in my thoughts I heard a soft moan coming from the direction of the rooms. I got up and went to the kitchen as quietly as I could and picked up a knife and made my way to the dark hallway trying to listen for another noise. Once I pinpointed the moaning to be coming from Adelaide' a room I charged inside, knife held up, and screamed for it was my cry for war. 

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