Chapter 8 || Your Abs Get To Feel My Hands.

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Chapter 8 || Your Abs Get To Feel My Hands.

"Yes mom, I'll take care of myself," I laugh.

This morning, just as I awoke, my phone began to ring and I answered it; pleasantly surprised to find mom and dad on the other end of the phone line.

For the past ten minutes they've been chatting to me about school, my life, their work and how they've managed to convince a few businesses to distribute their product to clients. I didn't know about half the things they were talking about, but I could hear the excitement in their voices and that made me very happy.

She laughs along with me from the other end of the phone line, "And your homework?"

"Yep. I've been doing my homework," I confirm.

"Good, good. Now I have to go now, but I'll call you again in the next few days, alright?" she says.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too," she replies, and the phone line goes dead.

I flop down on my bed and breathe a sigh. I miss my parents already, and its only been, what? 3 or 4 days? It's a little pathetic, if I must say so myself. They've called me just about every morning since they've been away, and yet it feels like I haven't talked to them for weeks.

I push myself off the bed and proceed to get ready for school; tying my slightly green hair into a bun and moving into an outfit I had set out on the bed. When I've finished getting ready, I head over to the kitchen and am surprised to find Marisa and Jay home, bustling around in the kitchen.

"Hello," I chirp, and they look over at me and smile.

"Hey Bronte," Marisa grins, taking a sip of her coffee and setting it down on the countertop before turning to Jay to do his tie, "I hope you've been enjoying your stay. I'm sorry I haven't been around much," She says over her shoulder. "I've been working a lot since I need to man your parents' company while their away."

"Oh no, it's fine," I smile, "Everything's been good. Thanks again - for all this."

"Is Blake being a prick?" Jay asks with a knowing grin as he slides his laptop into his bag.

"No, Blake's been fine. Very welcoming and helpful." 

"Good, good," Jay nods, though I don't think he believes me.

"You can tell us, Bronte," Marisa says, "If he's too much trouble we'll sort him out, okay?"


"Alright, well we have to go now so we'll see you, well, when we see you!" Marisa shrugs, a sheepish grin on her face as she ushers out of the kitchen with Jay, "Remember, we're just a phone call away if you need us!" She calls.

"Okay! Thanks Marisa, thanks Jay," I call back.

The front door shuts and the house turns eerily quiet. I sigh and check my watch, my eyes widening when I read the time. 8:26. The bus comes in 5 minutes!

"Oh no!" I exclaim, grabbing a slice of bread and popping it in the toaster hastily. When it pops back up a minute later, I grab the toast and spread jam on it, before munching on it furiously as I race out of the house, checking my watch in the process.


I run down the driveway (tripping over a couple times as I do, I must admit). I glance right and see my bus sitting at my stop. My eyes widen. "Wait!" I call, waving my hands frantically as I run as fast as I can.

But it was too late.

The bus pulls away from my stop and drives off while I groan and stomp my foot as I watch it's retreating figure. Dammit!

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