Chapter 5 || Not Today Satan

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Chapter 5 || Not Today, Satan

After a long and tiring day full of relentless questioning, strange looks and ruthless gossiping, school was finally finished. But as the end of a bad school day draws near, the start of something worse draws closer.


Never in my 3 years at Worthington have I ever received a detention and now here I was; standing out front of the detention room all because someone tricked me into dying my hair green.

Swinging the door open, I find Mr. Hamilton sitting at the classroom's front desk; his legs propped up on the table, arms tucked behind his head and eyes closed. I'd hate to disturb him, but I did need him to sign my detention slip.


His droopy eyes open and he nods his head at the table, indicating for me to leave my slip there. I place the slip on the table and take a seat at a desk near the back of the class.

Surprisingly, the room was pretty empty, student-wise.

Stuart, a guy I used to tutor for calculus, is sitting stiffly at the front, looking as frightened as ever. I offer him a comforting smile and he sends me a wobbly one in return.

A girl that I know is in the year above me is seated a few rows, tapping away on her phone boredly.

A bulky gym-junkie-looking guy is seated a few rows behind me. He was staring down at his phone, and I was a little surprised that phones were allowed in detention, but even if they weren't, Mr. Hamilton didn't look too bothered.

The sound of a door creaking open breaks me away from my thoughts and my head snaps over to the front, where Blake is now standing beside a very surprised Mr. Hamilton. I couldn't imagine why he was surprised; Blake probably gets detentions all the time.

"Ah Blake, so nice of you to actually turn up." Mr. Hamilton remarks.

Blake shrugs and makes his way down the class. At sight of me, he smirks and walks over, taking a seat at the desk beside me. I audibly groan, dropping my head on the table and not bothering to hide the fact that I was reluctant about him sitting beside me.

He wanted to piss me off. I could see it in the devious sparkle in his eyes and that mischievous smirk of his.

"Not today, Satan."

"Shock, horror. Worthington High's sweetheart, Bronte Davis, is found withering away in detention," Blake states, deepening his voice to sound like a news reporter. He holds a fist by his mouth like a microphone, and brings it to me, "What do you have to say for yourself?"

I clear my throat and play along, "I want to punch you," I declare blankly into the microphone.

Blake laughs and sends me a wink jokingly, "Mmm, I like it rough."

I fight back the laugh rising in my throat, "Why are you here?"

"I got myself into trouble."

"But what did you do?"

Blake doesn't bother answering my question and plugs in his earphones.

I sigh and turn away, looking out the window and smiling to myself when I discover it's raining. I love all the weathers; sunny, cloudy, windy, warm, you name it. But there's something about being warm and toasty indoors on a rainy day that I love.

As time goes by agonisingly slow, I long to leave the room. I just want to get out of here and go home. I peer down at my wrist watch and find that I still have to spend another 20 minutes in this room.

With that thought in mind, I figure I can spend the rest of my stay here peacefully sleeping. I rest my head on the table and close my eyes; slowly falling asleep.

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"Psst. Hey. Hey Shrek," a voice coos, dragging me away from my peaceful slumber. I stir in my sleep before turning my head away from the noise source, refusing to wake up, "Wake Up."

I mumble incoherent words at the culprit who's forcing me away from my sleep. "Nooo..."

"I'm not going to tell you again. Wake up. Detention's over," the voice states gruffly, nudging my arm.

I groan and lift my head, blinking vigorously to clear my vision. I then throw my hand and tiredly whack the culprit before groaning, "God, just let me sleep."

"No. Wake up now or I can just leave right now and let you sleep at school for the night- actually, that's a good idea. Maybe this can be your new home...?"

I glance up to see Blake standing by my desk, clearly irritated. My eyes shift to the door and I notice the other detention students filing out of the detention room.

"Oh. Thank you for waking me up," I reply. I then stand up and sling my bag over my back. "That was kind of you." I check my wrist watch to find that it is 5:02pm. "Crap," I curse. The bus that I need to catch home comes at 5pm and if I miss it, the next bus wouldn't come for another half hour.

As I power-walk through the corridors, I can't help but smile that Blake took the initiative to wake me up when he could've just left me here. I quickly shake that thought away because I know I'm thinking far too deeply into it. He was just being a decent human being, that's all.

I exit the school and step into the pouring rain to find that the bus was departing from the stop out front of our school. I let out a cry, "Wait!" I call, running as fast as I can.

But it was too late.

"Dammit," I groan, stomping my foot childishly as I watch the bus drive away.

Now I have to walk home in the pouring rain! Could this day get any worse?

"Need a ride?" A familiar voice queries from behind. I turn around and smile broadly when I find Blake leaning against his motorbike. Hope rises within me. Maybe today won't be so bad after all!

"Oh yes! Thank you so much!" I bubble, my grin widening further at the thought of actually riding a motorbike. I've never been on a motorbike before. It's always been on my to-do list, but I've just never had the opportunity to.

I step towards him and Blake leads me to his bike, "Well then.." He hums, "Hop on," he climbs onto the bike and starts the motor.

I smile excitedly, giddy at the thought that Blake was actually doing something nice for me. I stride over to the death machine, excitement and nervousness bubbling within me.

Though, just as I'm about to hop onto the bike, it jolts forward; stopping 5 meters away from me.

"Whoops, sorry," Blake calls; no sincerity in his voice. I sigh and walk over to his bike again. Once again when I'm just about to climb on, the bike jolts forward again.

"Blake.." I whine.

He snickers and raises his arms in surrender, "Okay, okay, I'll stop."

Confident with his apology, I wander over to his bike. But once again, it jolts forward. I open my mouth; ready to scold him on his childishness, but shut it when I see Blake's bike speeding away down the street, puffs of smoke clouding around my face.

My heart and stomach drops at what just happened as I cough and fan my hand in front of my face; waving away the smoke. Anger then bubbles within me and I frown as I watch his retreating figure drive away.

I can't believe he would do that! He just left me here to walk home in the rain!

Who am I kidding? I'm an idiot for ever thinking that Blake might be more than he perceives himself to be. I should've known that he wouldn't spontaneously turn kind and offer me a ride home. He's been nothing but mean to me since my arrival at his house.

I was angry at myself and angry at him, but more than that, I was hurt - Hurt that he would leave me like that, hurt that he would do something so mean without hesitation, and hurt that I actually believed he could be more than someone who's cruel, mean and heartless.

Huffing defeatedly, I slip my hands into my pocket; ready to start the trek home in the pouring rain.

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