Chapter 32 || Louise Gillies

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Chapter 32 || Louise Gillies

"Okay, so I bought the green dress originally for prom, but yesterday I saw this really nice purple dress at the shops and I don't know which one to choose anymore," Elle sighs, lifting up her phone to show me the two dresses as I fish out my text books from my locker.

"They both look lovely. Green is definitely the colour for you, but I like the shape and texture of the purple dress," I comment, my eyes flickering from Blake and over to Elle's phone.

"That's what I thought, too," Elle huffs, locking her phone and sliding it back into her pocket. She follows my gaze and audibly gasps when she realises what had been taking half my attention when discussing prom dresses. "How dare he?"

Down the hall, Blake was chatting and laughing with Louise Gillies, who was leaning against his locker. She was the nice girl I met at Chris' party the other week. Elle glares at Blake as if it were a crime to talk to a girl.

"Chill, Elle. He's just talking to her."

Today is Monday; two days since I called Blake and confessed my feelings towards him, and two days since Blake went completely missionary. He didn't call or text me the whole weekend after I admitted my feelings to him - and not even now at school has he made an attempt to talk to me.

"But it's Monday. He hasn't tried to contact you in almost three days after you confessed to him - and now he's talking to her!" she exclaims frustratedly, before sighing at my sad look, "Don't worry. She's got nothing on you. You and Blake have history - and a great bond."

Just as she says that, Louise and Blake crack into laughter at something Louise said. They seem like they have a pretty good bond. I try not to be irrational and get jealous over something so small. "They're just talking. Besides, he can date her if he wants because it's not as though he's obliged to like me. He's not committing a crime by talking or flirting with another girl."

"But aren't you annoyed that he hasn't talked to you all weekend or made an attempt to talk to you today?"

"Hell yeah!" I nod.

"Then confront him!" she exclaims just as the school bell rings, indicating that class has started.

"Hell no," I laugh nervously. I don't even want to imagine what he has to say to me because it most likely isn't nice.

▲ ▲ ▲

"Today, class, we are going to be working in pairs for a class activity. I want you to get to know the other students in your grade and learn how to communicate and work with strangers, which is why I have randomly selected the partners," Mr. Blackmore eyes the class, particularly Blake and Chase, who were sat at the back of the class. Louise was sat a mere few seats away from Blake; which was different to her usual spot situated closer to the front of the class.

"You are to work together finishing pages 137-141, and then do the big activity on page 142, which will require the information you've found from the other pages. You will have the entire lesson to work on it.

"So, without further ado, the partners go as follows..." And so the pairing began. I was secretly hoping I'd be paired with Blake so I could talk to him and settle things between us, but no, of course Blake would be paired with, of all 30 students, Louise.

"Amy Williams and Bronte Davis."

And just when I thought I couldn't get any luckier, I'm paired with the girl who once vowed to ruin me.

Amy's hand shoots up as soon as my name is spoken, "Sir, may I please go with someone else? Preferably someone who isn't despicable or irritating," she mutters the last part so that Mr. Blackmore couldn't hear her.

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