Chapter 5

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"Ugh, what a day..." Nightmare sighed after clearly having a bad day, "these degenerates can't do anything right, can they?!"

"what else do I need to do today?" he took his phone out of his pocket and opened a schedule, "let's see... morning meeting, check, sending the idiots on missions, check, paperwork, mostly done, check-" he paused at the last sentence, "checking out on the brush lover, GREAT..." he rolled his eyes and continued walking

"Why do I still keep this moron here?? I got all the information I needed" he asked himself before entering the cell

"Oh, hey there Puddin!" Ink winked at the goopy skeleton as he got in

"Cut the shit, what are you planning on??" Nightmare ignored the cheesy nickname

"Me? Planning something? Don't be ridiculous babe" the shorter one teased the other, desperately trying to get some sort of reaction from him

"Well, sweetheart, how about you start talking," Nightmare said, once again shooking off the odd nickname, "WHAT. ARE. YOU. PLANING. ON?!"

"I'm personally planning on your sweet buns, but something tells me that this is not what you meant" he smirked at the other

"Can you be serious for ONE goddamn second?!" Nightmare shouted, his cheeks were glowing cyan color

"Oh, but I'm VERY serious Nighty... think about it for a second, why was it so easy for you to capture me, even though for others, like Error, for example, it's nearly impossible?" Ink stood up, looks like the effect of the drugs had finally faded out

"It did seem kinda odd, but..." Nightmare hesitated

"It's because I let you capture me, and you know why...?" his smirk turned into a full-on smile, Nightmare had to admit that he looked very charming with this smile


With the click of a finger, the handcuffs opened and fell to the ground, Ink took a few steps towards Nightmare, until he was standing right in front of him

"It's because you caught my attention," he said, placing his hand on Nightmare's cheek, "I think you're a very interesting individual"

Before Nightmare could proses what was happening, he found Ink kissing him, slowly, gently, he didn't resist

He placed his hands on Ink's waist, pushing him closer and deepening the kiss, he could feel every inch of his body shacking, melting, wanting more of that

They both pulled away for air, Nightmare was shaking under his breath, Ink couldn't help but smirk

"Aww, did you like it? That's adorable..." he leaned forward, they're faces were inches apart, "do you want to try it again then? Cause if you'll let me, I'll show you something you'll never forget..."

Nightmare simply nodded, he was too deep in his shock to say something

"Well then... let's have some fun shall we?"

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