Chapter 9

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"WHERE IS HE?!" Dream shouted at Blue who was sitting on the couch

"How would I know?! I was with you the whole time!" Blue shouted in defense

The both of them came back to the base after talking to Science, Dream of course was furious about the information he got, and why wouldn't he be?

He'd been worried sick for days about his missing friend, just to learn that the other was having "fun time" with his brother the whole time

The short prince was going to confront Ink, but when he came back with Blue, he realized that Ink was nowhere to be found

"He just left... HE JUST LEFT!!!!" Dream shouted like there's no tomorrow. not many people have seen him in this condition before, but Blue, being one of his closest friends, have got used to the mental breakdowns his friend had from time to time

'It must be hard to be the guardian of positivity' Blue thought to himself, 'you always keep your emotions in check to set a good example, but it's not healthy for you Dream, all it leads to are mental breakdowns, like this one.'

"-He's SO unprofessional and- ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!" Dream stopped his rant as he noticed that Blue wasn't paying attention

"Oh! Wha- yeah yeah!" Blue said as he tried to get himself out of this pretty awkward situation

Dream just sighed "Blue, I know you're worried about where is he but-"

"I'm not worried about Ink! I'm worried about you!" Blue stood up and put his hands on the other's shoulders, "you're keeping your emotions locked and then take them out on others! I understand that you're mad, but please, breathe for a second!"

Dream stared at Blue for a whole minute, before he realized that tears were running down his cheeks

"Shhh it's ok... It's ok...." he hugged him, patting his back

Dream buried his face in Blue's shoulder as he hugged back, "I'm just worried about him... Nightmare is no joke and the fact that he takes it so lightly..."

"Shhh.. I understand... That's valid... You're worried about losing him, that's neutral, but Ink is a smart man, and he'll be fine" he hugged Dream even tighter as he ran his hand up and down his back, attempting to make Dream feel better

"I-I know but..." He didn't continue, he knew that if he'll continue talking he won't stop crying

"I understand.. I really do.. shhh.." Blue's hand kept going up and down Dream's back, while his other hand rubbed his head, "now, how about we watch a movie so you can calm down?"

"Y-yes.. that sounds nice.." he smiled a bit as he pulled out of the hug


meanwhile, with the Inkmare couple


"well this is nice~" Ink said quietly, leaning his head on Nightmare's shoulder

after the fancy restaurant that Ink had dragged Nightmare to, Nightmare obviously paying the bill. the two of them were sitting in the park near the star sanses's base, fully knowing that they can be seen by probably anyone, not that they cared of course

" you don't say... also why did I pay the bill for your fat ass?" Nightmare chuckled as he wrapped an arm around the other's shoulder

"I don't have money, so you'll have to play the role of the stereotypically masculine figure that pays for the food" the artist rolled his eyes, "seriously- I'll never understand that dynamic- the person should pay to show that they liked the other's company, therefore they should pay 50/50. unless you're me, of course, since I have like no money at all-"

"you don't have any money at all?? why??" the king looked slightly confused at this declaration, how does one have no money?

"I see no use for it since I create the food myself. honestly, I don't even need food, my body can fluctuate perfectly without it. so yeah, I just don't need it" he shrugged in response, he really didn't care much for it

"huh,,, curious,," he gave him a small kiss on the forehead, "anyways, today was a lot of fun. thank you" he said as he stood up

"no problem sugar, any time you feel like you need me around" he giggled a bit more, "now I seriously need to go too, Dream is going to flip his shit when he notices that I'm not home-"

"I see,, goodbye then, I'll text ya'" Nightmare said as he waved, teleporting out of there, Ink waving back at him as he did so

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