The Letter of Death

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One word can change your life, but only a sentence can take it away. I learned that the next morning when a paper was in the middle of the room. There was one sentence on the paper and it read, "You are mine now, and I will break you. -Zardes." I paled at the word as Snape read them. He looked just as pale while reading them. For the next three weeks we sat in the closet with nothing but the clothes on our back, a bucket, a glass of water daily, and each other.
Through those weeks we talked. I learned that Snape was nicer than he let on. He enjoyed cooking and baking. He loved making pies. I talked about little things like how I realy enjoyed reading and writing. I also talked about how I liked to color. We bonded and came to an understanding and maybe a friendship. Once he asked me, "Do you have plans for your life besides teaching?"
"I used to but now I am fine with just teaching."
"Harry I would strive for more. That was my one regret. Never wanting more after your mother died. I just wallowed and wasted thirty years of my life never wanting more."
"I wanted a family and a spouse, but it is hard for people to deal with PTSD. Let alone a boyfriend with one. I tried to date people, but it never worked out. PTSD got in the way and scared people off. The first time I woke up screaming I knew it wouldn't go away and that was in school."
"I understand, I have delt with trauma too. I do wonder though, why would you scream in school?"
"My life has never been easy, lazy you know. So screeming in my sleep was a side effect. I learned to put up spells but they only lasted so long till I broke them with my screaming."
"I see. Well you should still look for more in your life then just teaching. You shouldn't become me."
"Shouldn't you look for more too sir? You deserve just as much as anyone."
"I'm old, fifty one now. It would be a shot in the dark to try and build a life outside of teaching. I am ok with just teaching now."
"I guess, sir. I hope you find something. Good night."
"You as well Harry."
One morning after the three weeks there was a wall between us. It was transparent and pink. I stood up quietly and tried to touch it but the moment my skin contacted the wall I felt the Cruciatus Curse. I withered in pain as it went on for a full five minutes. Once over I was out of breath and sweating. I was glad I didn't wake snape last night.
Once Snape woke I warned him about the wall. He sat and thought for a while. He then said, "The spell that created the wall is ancient. I read about it once. I know it can only be broken by the caster or a powerful patronus."
"Very good Severus. I applaud you on your knowledge of ancient spells." A tall man said. He had on a pink suit, blue shirt, pink tie, and white leather Oxfords with metal toes. The one thing that stood out from his outfit, was the heart shaped scar on his neck. He was around fifty or so but looked to out power Snape and I. We had not eaten in three weeks. So we had lost weight and strength. The man was on my side and had a glint in his eye. One of darkness and knowledge.
"Severus, since you know so much I will reward you friend." He spoke smoothly.
"Zardes, if you have quarrel with me don't take it out with some innocent."
"He is not innocent. He killed my master."
Zardes walked over to me and cast many cutting charms. He mostly cut my torso and arms. He cut me for around two minutes. Snape looked at me with eyes of worry and shame. Zardes took his final blow to my face right down over my eye, with the Sectumsempra charm. I was glad I could still see but knew the scar would never heal fully. I had lost to much blood to not be light headed. Zardes then took my arm and cast a spell I never heard of, but it hurt. After a moment it stopped and I saw the Death Eaters tattoo. I was shocked as to the explanation why I was given it. "It marks you as mine forever now."
With that he left the room with a pop. Snape hurried over to the wall and said, " I am going to try and heal you. I don't know if it will work but I will try."
Snape tried casting a wandless and wordless spell but was denied. Instead he was cursed and withered in pain like me. I layed on the floor pleading for it to stop. For Snape to be safe and for Zardes to not hurt us. My plea was in vain. I watched Snape wither till I passed out.

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