A Start to a New Year

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   I rolled out of bed and fell on the cold hard floor when my alarm clock went off. Today was the first day of school as a teacher and I was all ready dreading it. I was happy to teach but first days are always hard. I drug myself to the bathroom and cleaned up for the day. I then got dressed in dark brown lether oxfords, dark grey slacks, a button up shirt, and a dark grey robe. I slipped my glasses on and looked in the mirror. My skin had tanned more over the summer. I had cut my hair much shorter, it still had length but only on the top. I was still thin but that couldn't be helped.
   I strolled down the hall to my classroom and checked that my lesson was in order and that I was prepared for students. I read till lunch, I then made my way to the dining hall. I sat alone, but that was due to teachers eating on there own. I decided that I would go and see if the library was open yet, for I needed a new book. As I was strolling towards the library I bumped into Professor Snape.
   "Professor. I do apologize for bumping into you."
   "Try to avoid it happening again. Good to see you cleaned up for your students."
   "Why wouldn't I? I find that it is impolite to be a mess when meeting others."
   "Well you seemed to not show that belief all through school."
   "Things changed after the war that helped me show my beliefs."
   "I doubt that."
   At that I bid Professor Snape a good day trying not to punch him. I was mad at him for not releasing the after the war I was an adult. I was able to use my money more freely and the Dursleys couldn't take the money either. The last year I finished my schooling and worked for Fred and George for a while, writing letters to potential investors and buyers. That helped me make enough money to survive the year and have extra to save. The Dursleys had almost sucked me dry.
   I was so lost in thought that I had walked all the way to the astronomy tower. I looked out over the horizon. I stayed there until I saw the train in the distance. I hurried to the station and met up with Haggard. We talked for awhile about his baby spider and how some centaurs were going to come by in a month to teach the students there way of life.
   When the students arrived I directed the third years to the dining hall. Once there I sat next to Professor Snape, which used to be Mcgonagall's seat. Once all the students arrived the first years were sorted. Headmaster Mcgonagall took the stand and started her speach.
   "I welcome everyone to Hogwars. Now students this year is different from any year so far. We have several new teachers and some new rules as well. We have four new teachers this year. First is Mrs. Beebalm. She will be teaching History of the Wizarding World and the Muggle World. She is also head of Griffondor. Second is Mr. Woolly he will teach Mathematics. Third is Mrs. Goldenrod she will teach English. Finally we have a permanent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Mr. Potter." We all stood as are names were called. When my name was called there was a great uproar. It took a while for the school calm.
   "Students you may ask Mr. Potter your questions in class. Now we must go over the rules. The forbidden forest is off limits. No wondering the halls after eight thirty. No pranks from the Weasley twins. No quaraling between houses. If you are caught breaking these rules your wand will be removed for a week and detention will be aloted. Now let the feast begin." Headmaster Mcgonagall bellowed.
   I grabbed a small amount of food and ate in silence. The roar of chatter, movement of plates, and silver wear was familiar. I thought how it was good to have students in school again. I hoped though that this year would be calm. My thought was interrupted by the Headmistress asking if I was excited for my first class.
   "I believe that I am glad to teach these childeren how to defend themselves no matter what."
   "I'm glad to hear that Harry. I was worried that you only accepted because you thought you had to."
   "Oh no, I actually loved teaching when Umbridge was here."
   "Oh when you broke many rules, endangered lives, got Dumbledore in trouble with the Ministry, Potter." Snape interjected.
   "Professor, I see your point, but everyone joined willingly, Dumbledore took the blame for me even when I protested, and I never hurt anyone." I retorted.
   "Someone could have been hurt and you should have had the blame. You are just like your father, wild and crazy, not a care in the world who you hurt. Its saddening to see you act so foolishly, Potter."
   "I do care Professor. I have cared for so long. You dont know the guilt I have because of the people who died for me. I wanted to die instead of them. So please don't act like I'm my father. I have more in common with you than him." I said through gritted teeth.
   With that I stood and left. I started my night rounds. After twenty minutes the students were released to go to bed. I continued to wander the halls till about 2 am.

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