Chapter twenty- two

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Hey guys I know, it's been a long time since I've updated! But as the books hit 15k, I know that I can't leave it any longer. I'm not going to tell you that I'm going to update every other day, but I am going to try my hardest to update at least once every 2 weeks :) (58)

Dedicated to all of you lovely readers!!! I hope you enjoy it, it hasn't been dited very well, however, I hope you still enjoy what is to come :) 


Sleep didn't come that night. 

It wasn't a surprise. I cried, paused, and stared into space. I'm almost certain that Julian didn't sleep either. I didn't dare to look up at him, but his breathing never was heavy enough. 

When the sun finally started to rise, I wiggled slightly in his arms. The bars around me hadn't shifted all night, locking me into place, never allowing me to leave. 

"Bell?" he whispered huskily as I moved, deep and rough. 

He had been sleeping.

"Bathroom," I replied quickly, not wanting to start another conversation with him. I wasn't going to try and converse, make amends or forgive. What he did... 

He wasn't an animal, he had no excuse. 

His arms let go after a few long seconds, slowly moving to behind me. Not sure if it was some cruel, sick joke, I slowly sat up, my toes barely reaching the icy floorboards. My fingers gripped tightly to the scratchy sheets and I allowed a breath out that I didn't know I was holding. 

Pushing my self from the bed, I slowly crept along the floor, trying my best to be quiet. As I slipped through the crack of the bathroom door I dared to look at him. He was now at the bottom of the bed, legs apart and hands gripped together. His eyes were trained on the floor, eyebrows down, deep in thought. 

The door gently closed and the lock twisted to a holt. 

I clicked the button on the shower and allowed the water to run, the mirror already becoming lightly fogged. My hands gripped onto the sink as I stared into the mirror. 

What was I doing? I wasn't a stupid girl, I had common sense. These... people weren't safe. They were dangerous. I shouldn't have even continued to visit them, not even Tessa. 

She killed the man too, after all.

I allowed the t-shirt to drop to the floor before stepping under the water, the heat burning the entirety of my skin. Water ran over my eyelids as I hummed quietly, taking the shampoo into my hands before massaging it into my scalp. 

Peaches and pineapples.

I took my time in the shower, not wanting to leave the safety of the water. But alas, I knew I couldn't spend the entirety of the day stoop in the bathtub. The water came to an end, the mirror completely blurred and the room filled with thick steam. 

Opening the door to a slight cracked, only wrapped in a towel, I looked into the room; it was empty. Taking my chances, I hurried over to my bag to change into the white dress. I tied my hair back into what was nearest to a ponytail, a small stub at the back of my head. 

I grabbed my bag and opened the door slightly, peering down the hallway to check that no one was there. 

But they all were. 

They were whispering but I tried to empty my thoughts, trying to pick up anything I could. Sebastian and Molly were stood behind Julian and Lexie, both facing each other with dark expressions. 

"If you really loved her you wouldn't force her into anything. But what did I expect? You exactly the same as the rest," Lexie snarled, glaring up at his giant figure. 

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