Chapter three

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I was a bit further back to the group of other mer people. They were all gossiping about useless human matters, and I wanted no part of it. I didn't see the point in it, They all seemed so happy and care free, and yet look at us! We were not animal! And yet here we were, being stuck in a tank for humans to look and point at us all day long. It was horrific. Disgusting.

But within the next few moments, they all swam away in alarm. Humans didn't usualy come in this late in the day, so I was curious to who had stumbled in. I expected it to be some scientist, come to take more notes on our activity. But you guess the surprise I had when I saw a small human girl. And a beautiful one at that.

She was short, no taller than five foot, and cute as any thing. She had short black hair, showing off her neck perfectly. And her clothes were fir for a five year old, cute and bright. Her skin was fair and pale, countering her eyes and hair perfectly. Her eyeys weren't blue or green like most mermaids, but a hazel colour... soft and interesting.


My mouth parted lightly. My soul mate was this... this human?! I was supposed to get a strong, sexy mermaid who could swim by my side... not this weak fragile girl! But when I looked back at her tiny form, I sighed. Even if she wasn't what I had expected, she was perfect. Perfect in every way... perfect for me. 

We gradualy got closer top one another, until I towered above her tiny frame. I didn't expect her to put her hand on the glass but she did. And the second she stepped away, I wanted her to come back. I wanted to kiss her plump lips. I wanted to hold her tightly against my chest... I wanted her with me. Not out there.

I was so distracted with my thoughts, that I didn't realise she had gotten up above the water. I instantly swam up there, wanting to be with in the same proximity as my mate. Once I got up there, I expected her to come closer, smile and try to reach out... but she didn't. She backed away in fear of me. I didn't like that, so I reached out and grabbed her with out a second thought. I thought that she would feel better, more calm if she was close to me. So I did it; I pulled her in to the water with me.

It felt amazing to be able to hug my mate right there and then. Her tiny body fitted perfectly in to mine. It was unreal. Her small and beautiful head rested on my chest, although she continued to struggle. Who wouldn't? She wasn't used to the situation. But when her struggles stopped, I got anxious. I pulled her body forward to see her small eyes closed, her body limp in the water.


There clearly wasn't enough oxygen for her to inhale with in the water. My heart raced as I swam up to the surface, my eyebrows furowed in fear. I held her closely, bridal style, until I gently slipped her out on to the platform. Once she was there, I felt it cruel. Cruel that she could look so innocent and beautiful when she was hurt and lifeless. I instantly began to beat on her heart, leaning out of the water as much as I could. Eventually, her little body coughed up so water, and the breathes of air started to flow in and out of her mouth. 

I sighed in relief, settling back down a bit in to the water. I almost had a heart attack my self. Gently, as to not wake her up, I ran my hand down her small cheek. Light tingels of electricity ran through my body, warming me up with pleasure. I couldn't help but smile in content. Of course her being human complicated things, but I was just happy to have found the other half to my soul. So happy. 

With out a warning, the little girl swung up, sitting up right in an alarmed position. her dark hair dripped down with water, her clothes soaked to the brim also. It seemed to take her a moment to register what was going on. As she took in her surroundings, she spotted me and let out a large, teriffied scream. She instantly shuffled back wards and away from me, fear struck in her eyes. As much as I wanted to bring her closer and to comfort her, I just couldn't. She needed to be alone. As her back hit the wall, she began to cry, sobbing right there in front of me. My heart broke with her actions.

Black lines leaked from her face, which I am sure are a sign of sadness. They ran down from her eyes, getting smudged away by her hands. Eventually, once she had calmed down, she sat up straighter. "Why?" she whispered, looking down to the surface below her. Her voice cracked slightly, cracking my heart at the same time. "Why did you save me" she whimpered, looking back up at me with her soft eyes. I could still see her fear, and tried to come off as not immitating as possible... though it clearly didn't work.

"Because I care" I said, my voice sounding deeper than I wanted it to. She gasped at my sudden words, no longer scared but shocked. "You can speak?!" she said, clearly oblivious. I just looked at her with no expression on my face. "Of course. We just don't want you humans knowing" Ah. That came out harsher than I wanted it too. She physically flinched, but stayed there in the same position. She just nodded lightly, looking down. 

We sat there in silence for another minute, my eyes not leaving her body. She continued to look down, but every now and then she would cast little glances at me. My heart fluttered at the way she was affected by me. It meant that she could feel the bond also. "I-I have to go" she whispered, looking up. I instantly stiffened. I forgot about the bit where she had to leave... she couldn't just leave. I might never see her again! Especially after what had just happened.

As she leaned forward to get up, I quickly clasped the hand in mine and dragged her close. My lips fell upon her cheek lightly, before I backed away ever so slightly. I could see he blush rise up her neck and smirked. "Come back to me?" I whispered, not looking away from her eyes. She hesitated, but eventually nodded. Although, she still seemed unsure. "Promise?" I asked her, sorrow in my eyes. She nodded stronger this time, before running off down the steps, leaving a trail of water behind her.

As she grabbed her bag and ran out the door, I sighed. There was a strong possibility that I would never see my mate again... I just had to put my faith and trust in to her. Despite the traumatic experience, I just hoped and prayed that the bond would be strong. Strong enough to bring her back to me. 


Words: 1214

Oh my God! Your still here! I am really happy now. (Does a little happy dance) Please comment, it just makes me want to continue writing this so much more. The support is what will keep me going, after all!

Question of the day: Do you think Annabelle will go back to see him?

Mia x


Dark watersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon