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The human finally did a reset back to the beginning because they couldn't get past me at all.

I've killed them over a thousand different times, I smiled happily.

And I started to sing a little bit under my breath as I started cooking, I just got up a good hour ago and checked on my brother who was sleeping in his room.

I was pretty happy that the kid finally reset, next time they try to do a genocide and I wouldn't hesitant to kill them early enough to make them reconsider changing their minds.

I thought and I continued to sing softly under my breath so sans didn't wake up to my singing.

I know I am in a classic timeline though. But I wonder if I am a copy or something? Oh well, in the end it doesn't really matter much as long as I have my brother and friends by my side.

I finally finished with the breakfast and started setting it when I heard my brothers rapidly approaching footsteps down the stairs and I saw my brother looking a bit panicked and distressed.

Which somewhat went away when he saw me smile at him.

"Morning sans! I made some breakfast! And I better not hear you complate about it!" I told him, hiding the small pun in my words and sans paused.

Sans looked at me with a hint of surprise and delight.

"Paps...did you just say a pun?" Sans asked, his easy going smile coming back on.

I blinked a few times at him and titled my head, acting innocent.

"Hm? What do you mean by that brother? I'm not the punny one here." I said with a hint of amusement.

Sans looked even more delighted, "hehe, well then you better mustard up the courage and ketchup to my punny puntastic puns."

I hide a laugh at that and for the next few minutes we did a small pun battle before sans finally settled down  and started to eat.

Which I turn, I started eating the breakfast and sans looked pretty happy now.

Which made me happy, I finished eating before sans did. I waited for a few minutes as he finally finished and I gave him some tea.

Which he took, I smiled at him, "well, time for portal! See you in a bit at your station sans." I said and walked out the door, giving my brother some time by himself.

I headed to where I usually go to when I'm watching and looking.

Then I blinked, I kinda wanted to sing a bit... maybe singing apart of that one song will do? I thought and moved away from where anyone could find me easily before I looked around the clearing, smiling.

It was perfect, I thought and thought to one of the songs I do somewhat remember and decided to sing a little bit of it to help.

I then started singing, "I never meant to leave you hurting, I never meant to do the worst thing, not to you~!" Hmm he might be a bit off of the song..he doesn't remember certain songs after all... he continued to sing.

"Cause every time I read your message, I wish I wasn't one of your exes, now I'm the fool, since you'll be gone...I've been dancing on my own~!"

"THere's boys up in my zone, but they can't turn me on. Cause baby your...the only one I'm coming for~! I can't take no more~!"

"I wanna f-woop, woop woop, but I'm broken hearted, cr-cr-cry, but I like to party~ t-t-touch, but I got nobody, here on my own. I wanna f-woop, woop, woop, but I'm broken hearted, cr-cr-cry since the day we parted~"

I stopped singing, better, I thought and went back on my portal, unknown to me, someone recorded part of the song I sang and took off to go show it to someone.

I was walking on my rounds before checking on my brother, who was sleeping at his post.

I rolled my eyes fondly at that before shaking his shoulders a bit.

"Sans? Sans! Wake you out lazybones!" I said and he started blinking awake a bit with a yawn.

"Sup bro, is it time for a break already?" Sans yawned again.

I blinked, "no? I woke you up so you can keep an eye out around here."

Sans smiled at me tiredly, I gave him another one of my smiles. "Well I'll check on you In a little bit, try not to fall asleep ok?" I said and walked away, hearing my brother say k back to me.

I'm pretty sure he's going to go back to sleep...sigh, lazybones, I thought with a chuckle.

So most of the day went by as usual, up until I was going home after the shift and ended with my brother following besides me.

I saw a few monster look at me with surprise and I felt a bit confused.

"Sans?" I started out and he looked at me with his usual smile.

"Yeah bro?" Sans responded back.

"Do you know why some of the others are looking at me with surprise?" I asked and snas glanced around before looking back at me.

"No I don't bro." Sans told me and I almost frowned and shrugged it off, I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

I thought and later on when I turned the tv on to watch a bit of mettaton, I stared in shock.

Wait...who recorded me when I was singing? How come I didn't notice that?

I also didn't notice when my brother sat down next to me when it was around the ending with the I wanna f-woop part.

Sans blinked at the screen, when did this happen, he looked at his brothers surprise face and frowned.

Did someone record his brother without permission and without papyrus knowing?

He didn't like that..and he's a bit surprised that this timeline is already starting off different, he didn't know his brother could sing so good since his brother hasn't sang around him before...

He has to find the monster who followed his brother to wherever he was at...

Then he listened to the last part clearly and wondered if papyrus was singing from his own soul or if it was just a song...because if someone broke his brothers heart...they will be in for a bad time...

Sans thought and then mettaton started talking and papyrus turned the tv off with a frown.

"Huh...when did you become famous paps?" Sans asked, thinking when this could have happened and all.

I blinked, "hm? Oh I was singing that earlier...I didn't even know I was being followed..or did they stumble upon me as I was singing?" I said thoughtfully and decided to head to end early.

Leaving sans down stairs to think.

I finally finished with 1151 words! Yes! Hope you all like it and comment what you think.

Also give me ideas etc.

Ja ne~!


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