Becoming papyrus..

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I woke up, wait that's not my familiar looking ceiling..where the flip am I at? I thought siting up and I noticed I was sleeping on a car bed. That looks oddly familiar..I thought before I glanced at my hand..

I almost let out a scream when I noticed my hand was made out of bones. I was close to cussing as well and I don't cuss. I got up and headed to a bathroom, I looked in the mirror and stared in shock. How the heck did I become papyrus from undertale? I thought, which papyrus am I? Original or au or a copy? I wondered before deciding I didn't care enough about that. If I find out later, I find out later, right now I don't care.

I'm just going to go cook something to eat..mostly likely spaghetti... strange thing is that both me and papyrus love spaghetti. Huh strange..I wondered how I ended up here though...unless it's a dream..but I'm not going to risk it even if it's a dream or not. I thought, I wonder.. how many resets has sans been through? I'm going to have to help him out..I decided. It wasn't fair that sans or any papyrus's has to go through resets and remember them. I just usually thought they all were suicidal if they remember the resets..or like really really depressed or something.

So I went downstairs, passing my brothers room, I went to the kitchen, checking the fridge. I looked with disgust, jeez papyrus, you really do suck at cooking..i thought and got rid of the spaghettis that were in the fridge.

I started making spaghetti, I just hope my skills with cooking came with me. I thought and then I signed in relief, they did come with me. I thought as I just finished before I heard "Papyrus?!" I blinked, ah sans must be up. I thought, "SANS?" I said and moved out of the kitchen to see sans staring down at me with relief. "Is something the matter sans?" I asked him and sans tried hiding it but I'm very observant.

"No why did you think somethings wrong?" Sans questioned me. "Well the only time your up this early is if you have nightmares." I responded and he looked uncomfortable. "Well I just didn't feel like being a lazy bones I-"sans said and I glared at him, already knowing he's going to do a pun. "Don't you dare sans.." I said and saw him shutter a little. "-wouldn't complate about it to much bro." Sans said and I throw my hands up in the air.

"Gah! Your unbelievable! I also won't carry you downstairs." I said and yet I still ended up doing just that. I'm sorry I couldn't help it! Sans is adorable.. I thought, I just want to hug him all day today.. I thought and I set down the plate of spaghetti in front of him. He takes a bite with a hint of hesitation, "! It taste so good! More!" Sans said after he shoved the whole thing into his mouth.

I almost jumped at that before I grabbed his plate and gave him more. He sat there eating it all, "sans I'm off for patrol, you can have the rest of the spaghetti. I'll make more later when I'm back." I told him before leaving as he gave an ok.

I went out to.. what was that one place called again? It was.. gerson? Yeah it's gersons shop I believe. I brought some of the tea thing.

I walked back home and entered. Sans was still where I last left him but was asleep. I smiled, walking to the kitchen. I started making some of the tea after I put the rest of it up. I finished and just in time too, sans woke up staring at me with a hint of confusion. "Huh? Papyrus?" Sans said also a bit startled. "Here sans." I said handing him the tea.

He took a sip and stared at me with some surprise. I then walked over, picking him up. I brought him over to the couch, I sat down hugging sans close to me. "Paps?" Sans said confused. "Hm?" Sans stared up at me. "What are you doing?" Sans questioned me. "Well I think you need a hug. So I decided to skip patrol today since it seems like you needed me more. Or needed some help." I told him and sans looked down.

"Aw paps you don't need to-" I cut sans off, "no I do. You are my brother sans, I care about you a lot. I know something is wrong, I know you probably won't tell me anytime soon but...I'm here for you, you know? You can tell me anything. I want to help you brother so don't even try to lie and shut me out from that." I told him and I felt him tremble in my arms.

I moved him so he faced me and he buried his face into my chest as he started crying. I gently pat his back, comforting him.

It took a few hours before he stopped crying, "thanks paps..." he whispered before he fell asleep in my arms.

I smiled down at him, picking him up and putting him back in bed. If the human even tries to hurt my brother let alone kill him..well let's just say..he will have lots of fun..he thought feeling determined.

He sat down next to sans bed, he will wait until his brother woke up. He thought.

Though after a while he fell asleep and curled up around his brother. Who woke up sometime after. Sans stared at his younger brother, he really adores and loves his brother papyrus. He doesn't know what he will do if papyrus ever permanently died. He would probably follow him soon after.

He curled up against his brother, at least today he knows papyrus will be alive. He will do his best to protect brother from the human...but knowing that.. he will probably die first this time... he hopes not but things are out of his control when it involves the human. He will always do his best to protect his brother, after all his brother means the world to him.

Sans smiled as he started to fall asleep again, hopefully this isn't a genocide route.. he thought and fell asleep.

I finally finished with 1088 words! Yay! Hope you like and comment what you think. Ja ne~!

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