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I slowly eat my breakfast as everyone talks and laughs

"Hulda are you Alright" Lady Sif asks and I look up startled

"Oh it's nothing" I say giving her a reassuring smile and I look across the table at the king


He looks back and grins

"Your such a pain"

I stand up and Thor looks at me

"Hulda?" He asks and I look at him

"Lost my appetite" I say and look back at the King then walk out

"I'm such an idiot. I cannot stand being here, with everyone being fooled by Loki"

Few nights Earlier

"Loki?!" I shout and he smiles

"It's me Hulda" he says and walks to me but I back away hitting the balcony

"I saw you die, You were dead" I say with tears falling from my eyes. He grins

"Well you see I had to do that in order to get what I always wanted" he says and I move away alittle more

"And what was is that?" I ask and he laughs

"Oh come on you know, a throne and now I have it" he says and I look out into the city

"You hurt me to get a throne?" I ask and I could feel his hand on mine but I pull it out of his grip

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, please believe me" he cried and I turn to face him

"How can I believe anything you say" I tell him and turn away

"I know what you did for me" he says and I gasped

"How could you?"

I could hear his footsteps behind me getting closure until he was right there. I could feel his breath in my hair

"You killed Malakith for my sack " he said and I push him away

"Don't touch me!"I shout and he covers my mouth and pushes me to a wall

"I'm sorry but I had to, please Hulda everything I said to you was the truth" he pleaded

"The Truth?"

I breathed heavily looking at him

"Please Don't scream" he ordered and I nodded as he took his hand away

"I'm begging you Hulda, forgive me" he said and I looked in his eyes

"I won't tell anyone for there sake,but I warn you do not ever speak to me again" I say and walked into the bedroom and slabbed the door and cried

"My heart that mourned his death is now breaking for his berayl"


I walk out side and a guard comes to me

"My Lady Hulda Heimbale request your presence" he says and bows. I nod my head

"Thank you" I tell him and walk toward the bifrost

"You called?" I tell him and he turns

"Yes I want to talk to you" he says and I step forward

"About what?" I ask and he turns

"Last night I lost sight of you and now you seem as if a great burden has laid upon you. I'm I wrong" he says and I breath in

"Yes I wanted to be alone for a while" I say and he comes to me

"I see, I understand that you are not well but please if there is anything I can do, let me know" he says and I nod

"Thank you Heimdale I will keep that in mind" I tell him and walk out. I go into the garden and sit under a tree playing with a small flame.

"How long can I keep this up?"

"There you are Hulda I have been looking for you!" Thor says and helps me up

"Oh Thor I'm sorry I was just relaxing" I tell him and he smiles

"Well my Father wants to talk to you. He says it's important" he says and I frown

"Yes the King, sure I'll see him" I say

"Dame it Loki. I told you to leave me alone!"

"Great he is in the dinning room" he says and I smile and walk back inside. I go inside the dinning room the king was leaning on one of the columns looking at the city. I crossed my arms

"You called" I say sounding annoyed and he turns

"Ah Hulda yes I wanted to have a word with you" he says cheerfully but I narrow my eyes at him

"Guards please give us some privacy" he says and two men leave and lock the door behind them

"What do you want Loki?" I say and he laughs

"Is that anyway to address your King?" he says and I chuckle

"Your not my King" I say and he circles me and makes himself look like well Loki

"Know that's not nice Hulda" he says and I grin

"Oh forgive me it must be painful" I say full of sarcasm

"Nice one" he says and I frown again

"I thought I told you to stay away" I tell him and he shrugs

"I missed you and I was hoping we can make amends" he says. I narrow my eyes

"No, good day your Magestry' I say and bow leaving. He grabs my arm

"You can't be angry at me forever" He says irritated. I move his hand away

"Watch me" I said and left.

I walk down the hall and as soon as a pair of guards go away I punch a column

"Stupid! Idiot! I never should have given my heart to you!"

I lean my head on the column

"How can I ever love with a heart that is already broken?"

"Hulda?" Lady Sif asks and I jump

"Lady Sif what a surprise I was just ah........well.........um" I try to cover up my sadness. She looks confused

"Hulda please don't try to hide your feelings from me. Please tell me whats wrong?" she asks. I look at her and open my mouth to say something but The King or Loki intrudes

"Oh she's fine just morning over a loved one. Nothing isn't that right Hulda"? He asks looking at me

"Yes I say" and walk out of the palace into the city

"Yes Loki I'll be fine as soon as your out of my life. Forever"

The Story of Hulda: Marvel FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now