Code Names

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"Amber?" Tony asks while siting by the counter reading names off a list on his phone. I grin a little bit

"Mmmmm I like it but its not me" I say and he nods.

Tony wanted to help me change my name, he was more than happy with this decision I made. I can't say I blame him, Hulda wasn't exactly what's the word Tony taught me Cool.

I grab an apple and lean on the cabinet watching him in my shorts and STARK t-shirt. he smiles

"How about Sophie? That sounds fun right?" he asks and I make a face

"That sounds like a dogs name, so no" I say and he spins his chair and stops

"Oooo this is a good one, Ginger" he says and starts laughing

"Over my dead body" I say and I sit on the kitchen counter

"Are you even looking Tony? Come on man get serious" I say and Banner walks in and looks at me surprised

"Yeah you have been around Tony way to much, your starting to talk like him" he says and I giggle

"So how goes the name changing game going?" he asks looking at Tony and he shrugs his shoulders

"Everyone I say its either no or its nice but not me." he says and Banner grabs his phone and scrolls down

"Well, most of these are to simple and original, not very special" he says 

"Thank You, see told you" I say and Steve walks in

"I'm guessing you haven't found a new name yet?" he asks and grabs a water from the fridge I was siting next to

"Nope" I say and looks at Tony

"Really Stark its been 3 weeks, how hard is it to change someone's name?" he asks and Tony gets up

"Well first off the ones I like aren't what she wants and the ones she likes aren't 100% what she wants" he says and I shrug me shoulders in agreement.

"I got it!" Banner says and looks at me

"Ariana" he says and I smile

"That's beautiful, it could work"

"I like it. I mean its perfect" I say and jump off the counter and hug him

"I love it thank you so much" I scream and he laughs

"Dang that was quick" Tony says and I hug Tony

"Hey you still helped out and I thank you for that" I say and he wraps his arm over my shoulders

"I like it but I'm adding Stark" he says and Steve rolls his eyes

"That's it Ariana Stark" Tony says and I giggle

"Whatever you want Tony" I say and Banner smiles

"Now we need a code name" he says and I look at him

"Code name" I say and Tony thinks for a minute

"Oh you know like how I'm ironman and Rogers is Captain America. that kind of name' he says and I nod understanding

"Oh so like my team name?" I ask and he nods

"Can we do this on the couch cuz I think this will take a while" Steve says and I we go to the balcony of a living room. We sit on the couches and Steve drinks his water

"Well any ideas Ariana?" he asks grinning as he said my "new" name  

"Um well you guys seem to know that I control fire so we can make something with that" I say and Tony nods

"Fire girl" Banner says and Tony shakes his head

"Too basic" he says and after hearing "Flame Girl" and "Fire Starter" I lad on the couch

"This is hopeless" I said in a pillow and Steve pated my head

"Don't worry we'll figure it out" he said and I gasped in frustration 

"Hey stop doing that, your going to make your face red" he says and I jump up

"Red!" I yell and they look at me

"Red is good, I like that color but it needs more"

"I need something with it Red something" I say and Tony thinks

"Red girl" he jokes and I narrow my eyes at him

"Come on I'm serious" I say and Steve smiles and I look at him

"What?" I ask and he shakes his head

"No it's nothing" he says and I nudge him

"Please, tell me it can't be worse then red girl, please Steve" I beg and make a puppy face. he looks at me and shakes his head

"Alright ,alright I was thinking something like Gypsy Red. Its both simple and cool' he says and Tony nods his head 

"I like it, what do you think Ariana?" he asks and I smile

"Gypsy Red has a nice ring to it. I could work with it "

I think its perfect" I said and Romanoff comes up

"So lets hear it what did you goof balls come up with?" she asks and Tony stands

"I present to you Ariana Stark. Code name Gypsy Red newest addition to the AVENGERS"

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