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My confused face was clear to Zayn, he just shook his head laughing at me, he began reaching out his back pocket and kept cursing when he couldn't get it out. I tried to look what was behind him but he was too far back, after a few attempts of getting it out a small slashing sound came from him. I widened my eyes to see a pocket knife in his hands, I was in shock but still laughing on how Zayn was smart on not following the rules that fucking douche Simon Cowell made with his fucking sick mind.

"You sneaky little-"

"I don't follow the rules Niall, I make them" he began cutting the rope from behind to loosen his hands, once he was done, he continued down to his legs and feet. I looked at Louis who was amazed at Zayn's actions.

"Ya see Lou? This is the fucking importance of a pocket knife"

"Yeah yeah, importance my foot"

Zayn was finally free as he started to cut the ones in my hands, once I got out he handed the knife to me as he helped Louis get out of his. I was out of this shit. As I was about to celebrate victory in getting out, until then uninvited guests decided to ruin the moment. Lights shine brightly upon us and guns clicking were heard, well unfortunately for them, they left some guns in the room, that we were able to steal before they got here.

"Arsehole you thought?"

"Surprisingly luck was on your side today, but not for long" He held up his gun at me but before he could even pull the trigger, gunshots we're heard downstairs and his radio coming going off. I looked at Zayn and Louis for confirmation if that was help, or it was just a misunderstanding between Simon's men who are having an argument.

"Boss, we're under attack!"

Simon takes another look at us, smirks of victory was plastered on our faces, he started to shoot but we quickly got out of the way, Zayn knocking the lights out and targeting the other men. Simon was smart enough to make his great escape before we could kill every man he had.

"Niall! We got this, go after that Simon guy"

I nodded dodging another bullet then shooting the guy in front of me, skipping some stairs as I gradually made my way down. A round of bullets came my way as I ducked behind the wall, they soon started reloading but I already had the chance to shoot them down. Simon stood there helplessly as he backed up.

"Niall, lad can we talk this out?"

"You had the chance minutes ago, it's too late now" I growled at him as he was cornered to a wall. He was silent, he was trying to remember something, until it hit me when he spoke.

"Your parents, they- they wouldn't want you to kill people, don't they?"

I was frozen in my spot, I removed my finger from the trigger but still held it in front of him, I know nothing about my parents. Not a memory, not a slight hunch of pain that hit my head when he mentioned them, not even a single memory of them singing me to sleep. They we erased from my life, I wouldn't want to ask Cipher about them, they barely knew my parents. Not even that old lady in orphanage.

"What do you know about my parents?" I walked closer to him as he held his hands up, nervously laughing before it turned into a malicious laugh.

"I wonder how awful it is to not have parents, I wonder how hard it must be for them to keep this secret"

A secret, what? What fucking secret is he talking about, I am seriously not playing this bullshit with him right now. And who the fuck was 'them'? This fucker is messing with my mind, BIG time and I'm not here for it.

"Can you just...just shut up? All you're saying is a bunch of bullshit! My parents are dead- I don't know how and I don't know why"

"You poor thing" he shook his head as he grinned. "Cipher has been lying to you, she was the one who-"

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