t h r e e

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After finishing our breakfast, Louis quickly dragged us into the living room, stumbling upon the loose carpets. I pretty much didn't want to start the mission so soon, in fact I still wanted to have a nice tour around this house and Glasgow of course. We were brainstorming some ideas on how to, like create a scene that involves becoming friends after the play. But unfortunately, not even one of us, is smart enough to devise a plan. The clicking noise created by Louis and his pen was frustrating me even more, I clasped my hands together placing it under my chin.

Some scenarios played through my head, but I knew it wasn't good enough to come up with a plan. The clicking from Louis' pen just got more annoying, I grabbed the pen as I forcefully placed it down on the glass table in front of us. His eyes widened as he just fell silent, Zayn just looked at me the whole time. I think they should be grateful how lucky they are to have the most easiest jobs, whilst I get to do all the befriend shit and everything.

I didn't blame them, I blame Cipher, the choosy arse bitch, who could've gave this mission to anyone else, but me. I totally understand, she wanted me to prove myself once more, but I think this was enough proving. Louis didn't do much proving for Cipher to get him to the next rank, nor did Zayn. I was tired of thinking, I had a lot of things in mind. Aside from the new information, I gathered last night. This was the most complicated mission, I ever had, constantly bouncing off to different places. But the only nice thing about that is, you get to travel so many different places.

It was a privilege, a massive one. I do thank my job for that, but it gets a lot more hectic. I stopped thinking when my brain went blank, nothing more that I could've done but sit there and wait for any ideas among these two. As my patience worn out, I wanted to walk out of the room, but Louis once again stopped me.  

"What if we do that cliché scene, that you bump into her, spilling your coffee on her shirt.Then you offer to but her a new one?" That seemed like a plan, but as he said, it was too cliché. I looked over to Zayn who nodded agreeing to Louis plan, I was debating on whether should I agree or not. But it was the only thing we had in mind.

"Fine, let's do that. When do we start?"

"Now" he grinned, glancing over to Zayn, agreeing to Louis' plan was like agreeing to the devil. It will either end up really good or very bad. But seeing the grin plastered on his face was evident this wasn't gonna end in a good way. I'm so fucking dead after this play.

I was dressed in somewhat attire, that would look presentable and not too sketchy. The plan was pretty good but I was nervous if she didn't agree on me taking her out, aside from the fact we didn't have a plan B, when plan A would go wrong. We had just found out her schedule, she leaves every 9:30 in the morning and goes home at 7:45 in the evening. I finished tying my laces to my vans, walking around the room and grabbing a snap back. Louis came into my room with full black attire, I chuckled.

"Are you attending a funeral or something?" He took off his glasses, giving me a stare before he put them back of clicking his tongue. Grabbing my phone and wallet. Heading to the living room to see Zayn almost dressed up Louis, the good looking freaks. I sighed as I made my way to the front door.

"Oi, where ya headed to?" Turning around to Louis with a confused face. What was he expecting? Of course we had to walk to the nearest coffee shop and somehow at the same time find the girl. But before I could walk out the door, I hear keys dangling with each other.

"No fucking way, there's a car?" My eyes widened when Louis nodded, I sprinted to him, snatching the keys from his hands as I ran to the basement, wait we had a basement? My mouth dropped at the beauty, Audi A8.

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