part 22... Yeah

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Hey!!!! So this was going to be the last chapter but I decided to do more but hope you like it.    Isn't Eden Daphne art work so good.

Marinette’s  POV 

I got him an ice pack we sat on the couch we didn't really talk and It was kind of awkward  uh..  Thanks for helping I say smiling he looks up at me yeah of course He says smiling than looking down can I see your eye I ask he looks back up and removes the ice 

Oh my gosh I say does it hurt I add no not really it's just a little annoying with the swelling he answers I've missed you Adrien says smiling and looking into my eyes and I look back at him I...I missed you to I say we just sit there I stare into his beautiful Emerald green eyes well his one I can't really see his right eye due to the swelling  

Adrien's POV

She is even more beautiful than I remembered and Emma looks just like her   I could get lost in her eyes forever I know I shouldn't but its like my rational thoughts have stopped and I couldn't control myself  My hand reached up and I put my finger under her chin 

I tilted it up a bit and I moved closer to her face and I closed my eyes our lips touched it was a soft and sweet kiss I bring both of my hands to her cheeks to deepen it than she wraps her arms around my neck that's when he hear the bakery door open 

We jump away from each other both blushing Mari stands up and rushes over to the door to see who it was I grabbed the Ice pack at went to the front to leave but I hear a somewhat familiar voice Mar you will not believe who it back in Paris 

I come to hand Mari the Ice pack then I see two very familiar people oh my gosh MARI!!!  Adrien is at your house and you didn't tell us the girl who I am 99% sure is Alya screamed oh well uh.. He came in to get some pastries and well… 

Wait how did you know he was Adrien Mari asks confused well first of all his face is always around Paris it's like he did photoshoots in America just to have them sent to paris Alya says pointing to a bus that pulled up that had my face on it 

Oh that makes sense Mari nods her head so why is Adrien here Alya asks again well like I said he came to get some pastries and Luka came in to try and take Emma again but Adrien and him got in a fight well Luka didn't stand a chance but Adrien was trying to be nice and he didnt do anything at first but 

He got hit and he easily took Luka down so I gave him an ice pack for his eye and we …….. Talked about stuff Mari said getting nervous at the end I see well that's great Alya said I am so happy your back Bro Nino said coming up to me and hugging me It's great to see you Nino 

No ones POV 

The four of them sat down and talked for a while laughing like they used to as kids Mari and Adrien always tensed up if there skin brushed against each other due to what happened earlier but they enjoyed their time all together again they helped with orders and other things like that 

But it didn't last hey guys I gotta go my things will be arriving at my apartment soon Adrien says putting his phone back into his pocket oh where do you live Mari asks him oh just that building down the street he answers 

Oh we live there to maybe we could help you Alya says well I don't want to burden you with that    

   Don't be a sour puss Adrien we want to help you Nino says punching his arm ok ok Adrien responds they get to leave but Mari rushes up stairs and takes some time than comes back down 

Ok everything arranged for Emma to stay here with my parents for a while so let's go Mari says running out the door towards the apartment complex and Alya and Nino chase after her Adrien thinks to himself I can't believe they want to stay my friends after all this time I am lucky than he runs after them GUYS!! WAIT FOR ME 

Hope you enjoyed have a good rest of your day night and AFTERNOON

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