Part 2

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Marinette's point of view

The next day I texted Luka saying I needed to talk to him so we met up at a restaurant. What do you want I need to be somewhere soon he said well.... Um..... I said fidgeting with my hair come on say it I don't have all day he said really annoyed well I don't know how to say it....... so I'm just going to say it........ i i i......I'm pregnant I said not looking at him WHAT!!! He said really loudly you have to get an abortion Marinette your only 16 and I'm 17 we are way to young you have to get rid of it  he said very angry

Well maybe you should have thought of that before you had S** with me and I will not get an abortion I will have this baby I said very angrily and If you wont help and support me I'm braking up with you I continued fine then we are done no longer together have fun taking care of the baby all by your self he said than got up and left I just sat there and cried after a while I went home Alya told me I needed to tell my parents but I can Im scared they will be mad and yell at me but Alya said she would be with me when I decided to tell them I was waiting for a time when they where both in a good mood so I knew they wouldn't get as mad when I got home my parents where chipper and where singing and making food I thought that it was the perfect time to tell them I called up Alya to tell her I was ready she arrived at my house like right away Mom... Dad I have something I need to tell you I said what is it honey my mom said looking at me um... um..... Well I'm pregnant I said quietly what my father said um... I'm pregnant I said a bit louder my parents smiles went away and my mom burst into tears and so did I she hugged me my father was stunned he than said its ok well its not but we will take care of you and help you we love you so we can't send you away just for a mistake that wasn't your fault I Looked up at him and said thank you my mom and dad were hugging me whall Alya was brushing my hair with her hand  and patting my head to try to make me stop crying after a few minutes Alya broke the silence saying she needed to go I hugged her and said thank you when she left my dad asked who is the father do you know yes I do Luka but I broke up with him today I said why my mom asked he wanted me to get an abortion but I don't want to I said we understand we will help you the best we can my mom said

About 5 months later 

It's been around 5 months since I told my parents they have been really supportive and they are helping me with everything I'm even more clumsy than I was before I trip over everything even my own feet I have a small baby bump so I can't really wear the clothes I like to and I want to hide it anyway so I wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants basically every day

It's been around 5 months since I told my parents they have been really supportive and they are helping me with everything I'm even more clumsy than I was before I trip over everything even my own feet I have a small baby bump so I can't really we...

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I really hate school right know I mean Alya and Nino are always there to help me but you know when they can't do anything about Chloe Lila and Kagami calling my ugly fat and things like that but at this point I don't really care what they say when...

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I really hate school right know I mean Alya and Nino are always there to help me but you know when they can't do anything about Chloe Lila and Kagami calling my ugly fat and things like that but at this point I don't really care what they say when I got to school today Alya came rushing up to me to help sometimes it's a little annoying how they think I can't do anything but I'm glad they care any way when Alya came up to me she handed me coffy thanks Alya but I can't drink this wha'll I'm pregnant I said why not she asked wha'll I handed her it back well I don't want to risk anything happening to.... Well you know I told her Oh ok I get it she said we try not to talk about the baby at school or at all really she just helps me we where walking up the stairs when Chloe came up to us and said oh look Lila and Kagami it's little ugly pants with her little friend we tried to ignore her but she stood right in front of us but thats when Nino came up behind them and scared them away thanks I said no problem Nino responded then we all walked into class our teacher knew about me so she knew it was a little harder for me to do things so she didn't ever make me get in the front of the class and do things like she did everyone else and instead gave me writing assignments when I walked in the class no one was in there except for Ms. Buster she said she needed to talk to me alone for a minute so Alya and Nino left did I do something wrong I asked no no you didn't but I might have to tell the class or you might because some of them have come up to me and ask if I'm giving you specle treatment or something she said oh.. I see ok up I'll tell them i said ok or if you want to make it a little less embarrassing I could put a note on everyone's desks telling them and that's why I don't make you do certain things she suggested ya I like that um would you not put one on Chloe's Lila's or Kagami's desks I said Ok she said than the bell rang signalling the start of class 

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