Part 3

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Just ignore Adrien in the picture above I couldn't find a good pic with just Marinette and Emma 

My baby Is going to be a little baby girl I was so happy and excited I started crying we all went inside and people where giving me hugs and gifts I was so happy we ate cupcakes and other different foods when the party was over and everyone left I was really tired Alya Nino my parents and I all cleaned up when we were done I flopped on the couch and my parents came to both sides of me and hugged me Alya and Nino went home but me and my parents watched a movie together it was nice to spend time with my parents the next day Alya Nino and I all went to the mall Alya got some dresses 

My baby Is going to be a little baby girl I was so happy and excited I started crying we all went inside and people where giving me hugs and gifts I was so happy we ate cupcakes and other different foods when the party was over and everyone left I...

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Nino didn't get anything but he still had fun I think

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Nino didn't get anything but he still had fun I think... I don know he said he did so I think he did he always tells us when he doesn't have fun so anyway

I got a lot of fabric to make baby clothes and other accessories to put on them we have all been thinking of names for her we have been thinking Emily but I dont I know I like Emma so I think that's what I will name her but I haven't decided yet when we went to the park after we took our things home when we got to the park and sat down we saw Luka I looked down and tried really hard not to cry but I couldn't hide it my tears just came out Alya decided that we needed to go home but when we were walking I felt my legs get really weak and I start to fall Alya and Nino caught me but they couldn't carry me my stomach are and a little below it was hurting a lot they helped me over to a bench and sat me down Alya was really panicking and kept saying she needed to help me but didn't know how and Nino was trying to calm us both down that's when Luka and Kagami walked up Alay honestly looked like she was going to kill them and she probably would if Nino wasn't holding her back oh look Luka little miss fatty Marinette needing to sit down hahaha Kagami snickers Luka doesn't say anything oh is that what you think wow it's not her fault it's your boyfriend's fault she's like this so Leave her ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alya yelled um we should just leave the idiot with her dumb friends and go Kagami Luka said I was trying my best to stay calm and let Alya deal with it I know that may sound bad but I feel to weak but at this point I didn't feel like sitting there and got enough strength and the hurting stoped so I stood up but I think I did to fast I all the sudden needed to barf I knew it was coming so I looked for a place but I was basically surrounded Alya and Nino on my right and Luka and Kagami on my left so I desided to barf all over Kagami's nice new looking dress what the He** was that Marinette Kagami screamed that what you get for making fun of us I say and I start walking away Alya and Nino help me back to my house when we get there I say thank you to them and go in my room to sleep I'm really lazy and don't know what to do so time skip to when she is eight months pregnant

Alya's point of view

Nino and I got in our car to go pick Marinette up for school I'm really surprised she still wants to come to school seeing as she is really close to the day where she will give birth but she said she wanted to go we tried everything we could to talk her out of it but she wouldn't budge so we went to get her when we got there we went in and helped her get up and ready but when we got outside her water broke and she went into labor we got her a chair and Nino was calling 911 what'll I was trying to keep Marinette calm she was in great pain I could tell but i did all I could do to help her after about 5 minutes an ambulance came and got Mari they let her parents go in the ambulance with her but not us because we are not family even though we basically are we are best friends but they wouldn't let us We went to school but I couldn't concentrate I just kept thinking about Mari. Nino kept me on track though and woke me from my daze when ever he noticed but I could tell he was also worried that is one of the reasons I love him he hides his own feelings to make sure others are ok and he will help them after school Nino and I drove straight to the hospital and we asked if we could visit Marinette dupain cheng they said she was sleeping but we could go in as long as we stayed quiet we went into her room and she was sleeping next to her bed layed her little girl in a baby thing I don't know what they put babies in when they are born so whatever We didn't want to wake her but I also didn't want to leave her so Nino and I sat down on the couch in her room and we fell asleep on each other when I woke up Nino was on his phone looking at my Instagram pics and liking them I giggled I looked over at Mari and she was holding her baby I got up and walked to her and sat in a chair by her

Marinette's point of view

I woke up from sleeping and I saw Alya and Nino in the hospital room I was staying in they Alya was asleep on Nino I got up a little and picked up my baby girl and held her in my arms Hey Nino said Oh hey Nino did you guys go to school I asked ya he responded ok I said than looked down at her At that point I heard that Alya woke up and she came over to me hugged me than sat down on a chair have you chosen a name yet she asked um I think so Emma her name will be Emma I said aww she is so cute and if you ever need help with her and raising her just ask and I will help ok she said smiling at me ok thank you I said back 

This is a really short chapter I'm sorry but I don't have lots of time lately so ya 

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