Chapter 2: The Second Machine

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Rachel just sat there, trying to catch her breath from the ticklish onslaught that she was just the victim of. She saw her captor messing around with more machines, and unluckily for Rachel, she already knew what the machines were for, and all she could do was try and prepare herself for more merciless and torturous tickling.

After about 2 minutes of silence and anticipation, her captor brought over another device. It looked a bit odd compared to the previous device, it had some circular looking objects that were a bit wet, most likely for a reason. The device was connected to the necessary parts/places by the mysterious man. No amount of shouting or begging worked, it was hopeless for Rachel, it was like she was speaking to thin air.

The man pressed the button that was on a wireless remote. The machine started. The odd device started vibrating, and the fact it was wet made it feel like exactly a group of people are constantly blowing raspberries on Rachel's poor, bare and ticklish tummy. This made Rachel scream with ticklish-filled laughter


The tickling sensation felt different compared to the last machine, the biggest difference was that it was it tickled a hell of a lot more, even without her sensitive navel being tickled. Rachel thrashed about the best she could in her restraints, her browny-blonde hair was flicking around as she threw her head around as a reflex from all the tickling.

The machine continued to vibrate against Rachel's ticklish belly. It lasted for roughly 5 minutes before the man turned up one of the settings on the machine. It made the frequency of the of the machine increase, causing the vibrations to go faster. This made the tickling feeling worsen.


However, the begging fell on deaf ears. All Rachel could do was be subject to this vicious and odd torture method, against her will. 

There was one idle part of the contraption, it eventually started to move towards the centre of Rachel's bare tummy. Right on her deep innie bellybutton, and without hesitation, it started to vibrate exactly the same as the other parts, and because it was also wet, it felt like there was someone blowing constant raspberries right over her hypersensitive navel. This meant Rachel could feel the ticklish vibrations in her navel, which was causing her to laugh even harder.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Tears started to come out of Rachel's eyes from all the laughing she was being forced to do, no amount of struggling or pulling on restraints would help her right now.

Ticklish vibrations roared through Rachel's nerves around her ticklish midriff as time ticked on for what felt like forever for Rachel. Only 10 minutes passed since the navel tickling had started, but it felt like an hour to Rachel, after all, tickling is one of Rachel's most disliked things.

It finally stopped.

The machine was turned off and taken away from Rachel's restraints. However, this was still not the end of the ticklish torture...

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