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"Why would you even do that?!"

"I dunno ask Nat-"

"I was curious!"


"Oh uh..." The pinkette scratched his cheeks sheepishly, lowering his head at the look of annoyance. Happy hid behind him for protection, ranting that it was 'his idea,' and that he had 'No part in this.'

She sighed, "Stop barging into my apartment, Natsu." She said, with no trace of malice. He had looked up to notice a small smile that touched her lips before quickly disappearing.

"I like it here!" He gestured to the apartment they were in. The girl simply shook her head. Happy let out a a giggle.

"Yeah it's much more cleaner-"


"Stupid dragon slayer..." She muttered under her breath, but his sensitive ears picked it up.

Lucy Heartfilia had never shown a bad face. From the first day they met, she remained kind. Her strength had grown over the years just as her fondness of him. It was simply how she was. The girl had not a bad bone in her body. Sure she would hit him, and whine sometimes(maybe he was down playing it).

Who was he kidding, she complained plenty.

Yet he was never bothered. It had all been in good nature.

She was like hot cocoa on a cold winter's day, an addicting sensation that left him in complete awe. It tickled his spine and made him feel fluffy. The way she was full of life and charm. He wished she would never stop smiling.

He'd do anything to protect her smile.

And as Natsu watched her grab her keys from the nearby table, he couldn't help but wonder. If she'd ever feel for him the way he felt for her.

"Hey Natsu?" Lucy called out sweetly. He turned to face her walking out through the front door.

"Let's go on a job ne." He grinned, "Okay I'm all fired up!"

She would never feel the same, he was certain.

Etherious Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now