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I look at the woman in the mirror.

She has blonde hair that has been put into an intricate bun on top of her hair, striking blue eyes and a terse mouth. She is wearing an ivory white dress. Clusters of pearls adorn the dress all over, like little sheep flocking together. It flows in an almost liquid motion, the chapel train sneaking behind her like a snake making its way through grass.

That woman, that eighteen year old woman, is me. Donna Jade Morrison.

And it's my wedding day. 

“You look amazing, don't worry.” says Carmen, Rhys' sister. Her and her family (Eve, Darren and little Chloe) flew out here for my wedding. 

“Carmen, I am so nervous.” I tell her, “What if I fall? What if I trip over my dress?”

“You won't. Trust me.”


I take a deep breath, tightening my hold on Dad's arm. The beach has been wonderfully decorated. A red carpet leads the way up to the archway, where I will say my vows. The aisles are branched off by shoulder-high pillars with red and white roses perched on the top. The sea lulls back and forth lazily, reaching up to kiss the sky.

Everyone is looking at me. Including Rhys.

His hair is, as usual, untamed and his bright eyes are glittering in the light. He is wearing a black and white tuxedo, the carefully tailored suit making the most of his amazing body. 

Imperceptibly, he sends a wink at me and I blush.

Dad starts to walk, propelling me into action. It seems like years we walk down the aisle. When we arrive at the dais, Dad takes my hand gingerly in his and holds it out to Rhys, his eyes watery.

I reach out to kiss Dad's cheek and he holds on to for another moment.

Rhys takes my hand even lighter than Dad did, as though afraid to break me. Dad moves away reluctantly and I step up opposite Rhys. The priest begins our customised vows.

“Do you, Donna Jade Morrison, take Rhys Hart to be your wedded husband?”

“I do.”

“Do you, Rhys Hart, take Donna Jade Morrison to be your wedded wife?”

“I do.”

The words almost make me choke; it's real. It's actually happening. 

“Repeat after me. I, Donna Jade Morrison, promise to love and cherish my husband...”

“I, Donna Jade Morrison, promise to love and cherish my husband...”

“Stick with him through sickness and health...”

“Poverty and wealth...”

“Stay truthful...”

“Until the day I die.”

“You may now kiss your wife.” The priest says.

Now this is the good bit.

Rhys grins and bends down to latch his lips upon mine. I let my bouquet roll away as I throw my arms around him.


Light filters through the window as my eyes struggle to adjust. I lay, sprawled across Rhys' chest. He strokes my hair absent mindedly, humming to himself softly. 

I look up at him, tilting my head backwards, “Morning.”

“Good morning.” Rhys leans his face closer to mine in order to kiss me. I press my finger to his lips, “Not yet. I have morning breath.”

“I highly doubt it.” Rhys whispers and kisses me quickly. I sit up, stretching and grabbing one of Rhys' shirts.

I slip into it and jump to my feet. “I am going to have a shower. I shall be back in a few minutes.”

I skip over to the bathroom, stripping the shirt off and sighing as the cool water hits my skin. I stand under the cold water, relishing the coolness after the heat of last night, until I start to shiver.

Then it's time to get out and put on the dress and tights Ruby set aside for me two days ago. 

Putting my damp hair in a bun, I trudge into the bedroom. Rhys has not moved at all.

I go over, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Hey, mister. Don't you wanna go on our honeymoon?”

“Sure I do.” Rhys smiles, sitting up, “I just don't wanna miss a moment of watching your beautiful face.” 

I feel myself blush, “Rhys... just go and have a shower.”

I stand and go over to the wardrobe, browsing among Rhys' clothes, seeing which ones he could take to our honeymoon.

Two hands clamp themselves around my waist, a pair of warm lips nip at my neck.

“Rhys...” I chide softly, “We have to pack.”

“Just give me a minute.” Rhys whispers, breathing softly.

I sigh, “Rhys, please. We have to do this or else we'll get late for the flight.”

It is really getting hard for me to resist his luring kisses. 

Rhys whirls me around to face him, pinning me back against the wardrobe, “We have forever. So what if we miss the flight? We can always get another one.”

“Unsurprisingly, you... have won me over.” I say. Rhys grins and kisses me softly.

It's good to know we have forever. I can look forward to moments like this. Moments with Rhys, that will never go away. Never fade into the darkness, like some things do. And that's the thing I'm most looking forward in my new life.

“Come here, Mrs Hart.” Rhys hisses, picking me up by my waist. I squeal and he leads us over to the bed...

 So there you have it. It's finally over :') I'm gonna miss her but I think Donna and Rhys are where they need to be. No need to trouble them with any more devilish angels, right? I'm thankful for all the support that this story and the characters have gotten. It really motivated to begin other stories and branch out into romance a little more. I'm thankful for all you amazing readers out there and I am extremely blessed!!!

Lightness xxx

Burning Desire - Sequel to Burning ParadiseWhere stories live. Discover now