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THE ENTIRE DAY JANIYAH SPENT IN HER ROOM, FEELING MUCH TOO HORRIBLE TO GET OUT OF THERE AND POSSIBLY CONFRONT EITHER JACK OR RAY. She'd locked herself in there, glad that the men who lived there as well were gone. They would always leave their keys inside instead of taking them with them, there was just no point in doing so. Nobody needed to lock anything because nobody had anything valuable, which meant there was no reason to steal.

Her thoughts were only of the two guys she'd rejected recently, she couldn't seem to take her mind off of them. She felt like she perhaps could've done something, apologize and ask for their friendship to return to normal, at least with Ray. With Jack... well, she certainly was attracted to him, she was just too much of a coward to get involved with someone like that.

This all started when her parents left. First, her father abandoned them when she was just a child, then when she was older, her mother passed away. Now knowing that everyone in her life would eventually take off or die, she thought of leaving her four brothers so that when they did inevitably pass on or leave the household, she wouldn't be there to experience it, and it wouldn't hurt as much.

Sighing, she stood up from her bed after hours of laying there. She couldn't leave all this shattered like a mirror which had just fallen. No, she'd fix this. With Ray, they'd return to their normal friendship. Now with Jack... well, she'd figure it out along the way.


After searching around the ship, she finally spotted Jack where she'd last seen him. At the deck where they held hands for a brief moment, where they almost kissed... just before she ran away. Coward, she thought. Time to make things right.

The sun was setting onto the horizon, gorgeous and vibrant colors of orange, red, yellow, purple, it seemed like an artist painted the sky. It was freezing outside, she could see whenever she breathed a misty cloud which looked like smoke. Jack leaned against the railings, watching the sunset, and well, who wouldn't? Janiyah stepped over next to him, leaning on the railings as she joined him in watching the scenery.

"I'm sorry," she spoke up after a moment of silence.

Jack turned his gaze from the colorful sky to Janiyah, who now stared down below to the salty waters. "For what?"

"For last night," she looked at him. "I'm such a coward."

"J- no, no, you're not." He sighed, "It's okay. It was too early, I shouldn't have done that, it was my fault."

"No, I wanted to kiss you. But..." she trailed off, unable to think of the correct words she wanted to come out of her mouth.

"You were scared," he comprehended.

She nodded, "Exactly. I'm a coward."

"Don't say that," he shook his head. "J, you're the bravest girl I've ever met in my life." Stepping closer to her, he his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to him. "I've never seen a girl so confident wearing a man's clothes. Never have I seen a girl beat two guys twice her size at arm-wrestling. Trust me, you're no coward."

She smiled at him, her cheeks tinted a light pink. Now they began to gaze into each other's eyes again, both of them leaning in closer to each other. This time, Janiyah didn't pull away. No, this time she initiated the kiss. It was desperate, but sweet and passionate. It was unlike any other kiss she ever had.

When they pulled away, they returned to watching the sun set. It was almost out of sight, in just a couple of minutes or so it'd be gone and wouldn't be seen until the next day. It truly was a beautiful sight.

"Dare me to sit on the rail?" Janiyah asked.

Jack raised a brow, "You're crazy."

She let out a laugh, climbing over  the railing. "Hold me in case I fall."

As she sat on the rail, her feet hanging off the ship, Jack wrapped his arms around her waist, securing her in place so she wouldn't fall. He places his chin on her shoulder, and they both stayed in silence as they watched the sunset. Janiyah knew she wouldn't ever forget this moment.

The sun was now out of sight, the bright stars taking over the skies now. Janiyah turned her head to face Jack, when he leaned in to kiss her once again. They savored the moment, before pulling away, their breaths taken away. Afterwards, Janiyah hopped off the railing and back onto the safety of the ship. She took Jack's hand, leading him someplace else.


"Jack," she calls for his attention. The two lay in bed together side-by-side on Janiyah's top bunk, out of breath from the previous moment, tired and about to fall asleep. When he looked at her, she added, "When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you, and we can travel the world together."

Jack smiled, caressing her with his hand. "I like the sound of that."

With a kiss on her forehead, he pulled her closer to him, both of them closing their eyes to fall asleep. Janiyah knew that soon the guys who lived here would return and would want to go to sleep. But she'd locked the door so they wouldn't enter. They could sleep someplace else for one night, they'd be fine.

Janiyah smiled, her eyes remaining closed. Out of all the guys she'd been in bed with, Jack was the only one who truly cared about her, and he was the only one she truly cared about as well. She'd never felt like this before. It felt nice, it was a feeling she enjoyed.


author's note !

so this one's a lot shorter than the rest but i kinda wrote this all in one late night so my brain wasn't functioning how i want it to lol. i think the next ones will be longer!

wattpad isn't wanting to load my sign-off for some reason soooo


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