Chapter One

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A Little Bit of My Past

I was born on a warm spring day. The first day of spring. The pink tulips were blooming around me, the birds were beginning in chirp in the morning. The grass tickled my muzzle. My mom was a beautiful mare, A snow white body with a cream colored mane, with crimson highlights. She had soft brown eyes and a small, but sweet, smile. My father was a strong black stallion. He had a star on the middle of his forehead, and had bright orange streaks in his mane. I belonged to my beloved stable, Crosswinds, when I first met my future owner. 


Sarah was an amazing young girl, with an adorable little cat named Mosey.  After long hours getting to know each other, she bought me. 

We moved to Horseland shortly after. That's when I met him. Aztec. In the beginning, none of the horses really liked me, with the exception of Chili and Pepper. But in the end, they liked me and I was the "Horse advicer" of Horseland. I gave advice to anyone who needed it, or a hug when they needed one. I tried to be the best horse I could be. 

I had always had an eye for the older palomino stallion. He was sweet, and funny. His name; Jimber. But he wasn't for me. It wasn't until I was older until I found myself staring at the brown stallion. So free. So handsome. So....amazing. Aztec was a purebred Thoroughbred, and you could tell. Him and me were the fastest horses at Horseland, with Jimber a close third. I soon found Aztec staring at me, and we soon grew close. 

Later that same year, we were an official "couple". Two years later, Amber was born. Amber was a bay filly with light blue eyes and red streaks in her hair. She was smart and kind like me, and a free spirit like her father.

I had everything I ever wanted. An amazing stallion. A great owner (at an awesome stable), but still....something was missing. I just felt....unhappy.

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