Chapter 13-Green Lantern's light

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We start things off with Barry in his loft. He notices how the whole place seems to be vibrating. Barry then hears a knock on the front door as he opens it. He finds out that the Black Racer is on the other side. The Black Racer knocks Barry back and when Barry hits the ground he asked "What happened?"

Black racer then responded with "Eobard's plan was going to be fulfilled if the speed force didn't intervene."

Barry got up and looked around the room and asked  "So we're in the speed force right now?"

"Yes Barry, it was the only way to make sure the Legends got away." Black Racer explained

"Ok, I don't believe you're right but if you are right why doesn't the speed force send time wraith try to deal with Thawne when he  showed up and fought me and Kara?" Barry asked in an annoyed fashion

"You see Barry in this new speed force I'm the main enforcer. Besides the one who is guilty for causing  all this  isn't Thawne.... the man who did this is still vital to restoring the Timeline." Black Racer explained 

Barry was pretty confused by all this so he said "What are the timeline changes?"

"Kara Danvers seemingly changed the night of the the Meteor. Ever since then the timeline has been altered." Black Racer told him 

"No! You don't know Kara like I do. Kara doesn't want to hurt the Legends or anyone." Barry told Black Racer as he confronted him. Black Racer extend out his arm and created a scythe out of speed force energy and said "You have two choices. Grab the scythe, become me and end this today or return home either way you will be granted knowledge that will convince you to join the Legends"

"Why don't you do this yourself if it's so urgent?" Barry argued

"Because I'm simply an aspect of death within the speed force. I don't have a host that could use their free will to take away life prematurely." Black Racer explained to him 

"No! I'm not becoming you. I'm not becoming death! Ever!  Just take me back.!" Barry answered 

"This won't be the last you see of me." Black Racer told him followed by everything fading to black 

Barry then woke up on a medical bed in Star labs. He sees Caitlin and Cisco although everything is still a little foggy.

"Barry! your up!" Caitlin stated as she worked up to him as she  removed the IV bag. Barry then said "Oh this weird." as he rubbed his eyes he then asked Cisco "How long was I out?"

"It's been around seven weeks dude!" Cisco told him as he was on the phone  

"What is the last thing you remember?" Caitlin asked as she took of her gloves and started turning off the medical equipment 

"I remember going with Alex to get the Legends but the Black Racer showed up and threw my conscience into the Speed force or something." Barry explained in confusion

"The Death speedster!" Cisco said surprised "Yeah but I don't know what to think about it yet." Barry told Cisco since he was feeling a bunch of superimposed knowledge over him as he got up. He was about to ask what day it is but the tv caught his attention. The tv had the headline "A Green Lantern of Light in the sky." With a blurry picture with a green light in the sky. He asked "What is this?"

"Well new year new heroes." Cisco commented

"They're calling him or her  'The Green light' or the 'The Green Lantern'. They have been spotted in National City, Coast City, Bludhaven and even here in Central City" Caitlin explained

"Wait it's January?" Barry asked with shock

Cisco then hanged up the phone and said "Well barely is been 2022 for like three days. I was on  the phone with Iris to tell her that you're awake."

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