Chapter 12-Going dark

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We starts start things off with the RTF mission from Kara's perspective.

As Kara walks out of Lena's office she focuses and uses her super hearing. She overhears that Curtis cracked her S.C.A.R file. She is initially furious about it until she hear that Curtis and Helena were going to take the elevator to leave the facility. Kara uses her X ray vision to locate them. She then locates the elevator and rips opens the elevator doors open of her floor afterwards she flies down the elevator shaft and lands on the elevator that is going upwards. As Kara hears that Helena is reading out the members of S.C.A.R she rips the roof of the elevator and use her heat vision to destroy the tablet followed my her grabbing Curtis by the head followed by her repeatedly smashing his head against a elevator wall as she says "No one can know my secret!" Followed by her dropping a dead Curtis on the ground.

Helena was horrified by the scene and said with horror "I though you were one of the good guys." Kara then grabbed her by neck and slammed her against one of the elevator walls and said as she started tightening her grip around Helena's neck "Black Kryptonite was a gift from Rao. It freed me from the so called 'good' in me." Kara laughed as Helena struggled helplessly followed by her violently squeezing her neck until she heard it snap. She then looked at the two lifeless bodies and got an idea she then flew out of the elevator and went to Lena and convincing said with worry "Lena they're two dead bodies in the elevator."

"Could you identify the bodies?" Lena asked with worry and shock

"It was Mr. terrific and the Huntress. Someone must have killed them " Kara told her with stress followed by her saying "We need to call NCPD."

"Maybe you can get your friend Barry involved I mean he does do forensic." Lena suggested

A lightbulb went off in Kara's head so she responded with "Barry kind of has a busy schedule tomorrow but as soon as he's available. Speaking of which I need to talk with the Flash so call the NCPD for me." Followed Kara super speeding out of L corp.

Kara then changed and went to Barry's loft. She knocked on the door followed by Iris opening the door saying with excitement and saying "Kara! Why are you here?"

"Well I kind of need to talk with you and Barry about something ." Kara told Iris

Iris then told her "Yeah sure come in." They both walk into the living room followed by Barry walking and saying "Have you heard the news about the legends?"

"No what happened?" Iris asked. Barry then turned on the tv. We have a male reporter who says "We just got news that Sara Lance and her legends have resisted arrest and are still at large and We are now with Saffron Bell or simply Agent Bell. Who is a head director of the FBI's national security branch."

"Well to put it simply the legends are now a top priority threat to the US and Supergirl. I have gotten in contact with Lex Luthor and the DEO so as of tomorrow November 13 the FBI and the DEO will unite together to hunt down the Legends and the FBI is asking for help from any all heroes." Saffron Bell (casted as Mia Mclver) stated with her Confident and rigid attitude

"Well that's great and all but the president wants to meet with us tomorrow." Kara told Barry

"Tell J'onn to go in my place." Barry told her

"Why?" Kara asked in frustration

"I'm considering working with the FBI to find the Legends." Barry told her

"You're not gonna do anything stupid right?" Iris asked with worry

"I just want to talk with Sara." Barry explained

"You mean talk with someone who tried to kill me." said Kara slightly offended

"Calm down. I just want Sara and the Legends to come in peacefully." Barry told Kara

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