Chapter 3-Distance

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It's July 8,2021 a month since
Superman went missing and presumed dead. The President is unveiling a statue in honor of Superman at a plaza in Metropolis. The unvieling of the statue is meet with cheers and applause.

"And now with you all Supergirl.
"said President Marsdin

Supergirl lands on the stage with power and authority. She gets up on the podium and is meant to give a speech about how great of hero Superman was and give a message of hope since every big media station was there recording the event.

"My name is Kara Danvers, I was a reporter for Catco worldwide media and I am tired of seeing so many innocent lives put in danger because of internal affairs. I don't care who you are I will make it personal duty to make the government one hundred percent clear with its operations to any and all heroes and I need your help to make that possible."said Kara in a demanding voice

The whole crowd is left in absolute shock as Supergirl flies away. The aftermath of the situation ends up being that every news network strated commenting on Supergirl's identity being revealed and if you could even be a good political leader.

With the legends

At the Waverider, the legends are in the library watching the unvieling of the statue and are in absolute shock with Kara's speech

"Supergirl just outed her self out and told everyone her identity." said Natein absolute disbelief

"And is entering the world of politics."said Sara slightly concerned

"I'm not a man for politics but I say let the girl scout sell her cookies." said John Constantine who's reading some sort of spell book while drinking

"And by sell her cookies you mean political views?"Nate asked

"Of course mate."said John Constantine

"I think she made a huge mistake"Sara stated plainly

"How's that?"Behrad asked

"I mean she opened herself up for a two front war I mean you can punch a monster but you can't just punch a politician." Sara explained

"It would be fun to punch a politician."Behrad chuckled

"Well I think it's a great idea."said Nate

"I wonder why you would believe that."said Sara

"Got em."John Constantine laughed

"Very funny, but It's true Supergirl has saved the world one millions over, who better to lead the world then Supergirl"said Nate

"Yeah still think it's dumb"said Sara getting up and leaving the library

At Star labs

In the cortex we have the original three Barry,Cisco and Caitlin who just heard what Supergirl said

"Well that just happened. "said

"I mean in all fairness this isn't Kara's worst idea"said Cisco

"Yeah there's probably a logical explanation for this."said Barry even though all three of them were perplexed by the situation

"You can go over there and get answers if you want. "Caitlin suggested

"I'll go but I feel you want to know more I do"Barry joked

"Yeah thats true."Caitlin replied rather defeated

"See you guys in a bit." Said Barry

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