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"Aah! Help! Katie!" yelled Katie's mother in a panic.
Katie was already there. "Mom! What's wrong!"
"I don't... know...." she said, falling unconscious.
Katie ran outside as fast as she could, cradling her thankfully petite mother out into her brand new car. She laid her in the backseat, trying to make her comfortable in case she woke up. She pulled out her iPhone, hurriedly ordering Siri to help her. Of course, it took way longer than it should of, but on the tenth time, it finally pulled up a hospital a couple miles away. But she knew she needed someone there to keep her sane. She called the first person she thought of.
"Claude, please come right now. Can you come to Springfield Hospital on Hospital Street? I need you, please!"
"Creative street name."
This was so unexpected to Katie. She burst out in laughter, and had trouble keeping her eyes open to see the road. She laughed for a full five minutes.
"Wow, it really wasn't that funny." said Claude.
She looked behind her for any cars passing her and remembered her mom. She sped up and got onto the freeway. She was soon saying she had to go, and taking a deep breath. She was there.

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