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A/N: AHHHH, we're getting closer and closer to the finale! I hope you've been enjoying this just as much as I have! This has always been one of my favorite episodes from this season, so here it goes!

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Get your Muckraker here." Becky announced as she walked down the hallways, offering up copies of the school's newspaper for anyone who would take it. "Extra! Extra! Get your Muckraker here! Oh, you should definitely keep an eye on your boyfriend, Marshall."

At that, Emily frowned, stopped in the middle of the hallway as she looked at Becky.

"I don't have a boyfriend." She mumbled, clutching her binder to her chest.

"Yeah, well, if he was cheating on me, I wouldn't be having one either." The smaller girl said, shoving a copy of the paper in Emily's direction.

Very confused, Emily grabbed it before it could fall to the floor and she didn't even need to do much searching, because as soon as her eyes scanned the first page, she gasped.

"Oh, no..." She mumbled, picking up a run as she headed straight to the choir room. "This is bad."

Lucky for her, when she arrived there, just a few people were already inside. She didn't even spare Quinn a glance before running straight up at Sam. He smiled when he saw her, but as soon as he recognized the look of pure horror in her face, he stood up quickly, bracing the girl as she collided against him in her haste.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, as Emily shook her head.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, taking a step back from him and showing him the paper in her hands. "I just think you should take a look at this before..."

She got interrupted by a very angry Finn Hudson walking inside the choir room and marching up straight at Sam with Rachel close behind in his heel. Emily sighed, shaking her head. Oh, this is so, so bad...

"What the hell is this, dude?" Finn accused, as he read out the headline from the paper that Emily had attempted to show Sam just seconds before. "What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret Moonlight Motel rendezvous with another big-lipped blondie?"

"Where does it say that?" Sam asked, gently pushing Emily aside as he took a step toward Finn to grab the paper from him instead.

"Right on the front page of the school newspaper!"

Finn was yelling as Sam read over the paper. From each side of him, Quinn and Emily exchanged a glance.

"You don't seriously believe this, do you?" Quinn asked, stepping in between Finn and Sam to try and alleviate the tension.

"Well, why shouldn't I?" Finn asked, looking down at his girlfriend, clearly pissed off. "Why wouldn't he do the same thing I did to him?"

"Because it's gossip, Finn." Quinn argued, and before any of them could continue with their discussion, a very furious Santana stormed into the room, pointing fingers at Brittany.

"This is your fault!" She yelled. "You told everyone that I played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show."

"Wait. Are you mad?" Brittany asked, as innocent as ever. "You do play for another team. You were on the Cheerios, and now you're only in the New Directions."

"And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?"

Before Emily could even begin to comprehend what was actually going one between her two friends, Finn's voice snapped Emily from her thoughts as he pushed Sam back, causing him to stumble a bit.

"I'm gonna punch your face off!" He yelled, as Sam grew angrier as well, quickly recovering and shoving Finn right back.

"You got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating." He said.

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