New York

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A/N: The finale is here! I will be posting today an epilogue and a last note - it's an important one, so if you could read it, it would mean the world to me. In any case, I hope you enjoy this one and I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who's been reading this, voting and commenting - I love you all!

Emily couldn't actually believe it. New York. She was there. They were there. Nationals were right there and she knew they would win that. They had been working so hard for it. They deserved it right?

So lost in her own thoughts, and admiring the city, Emily didn't even notice when all the glee kids started to regroup, sitting together in Times Square. It wasn't until Artie spoke up that she noticed she had been standing alone like a weirdo in the middle of the square for a while.

"I want to hit up Central Park, get my frolic on." Artie had said, as Emily started to make her way to the rest of the group.

"I want to throw stuff off the Brooklyn Bridge." Brittany added as Emily chuckled, taking a seat beside Quinn,

"Guys, hold on." Finn said, then, as everyone turned to look at him. "I mean, we still have two songs to write."

"Okay, Mr. Bossy Pants." Kurt smirked at his half-brother, clearly amused. "But I think we have some time for a tune before we leave."

And so he started singing New York, New York and soon enough, everyone had joined in, laughing a bit as they sang.

"Guys, I have news." Rachel announced excitedly, interrupting her friend's little sing-along. "To celebrate our impending win at nationals I got us all 13 tickets to Broadway's longest-running show ever... Cats."

Everyone cheered at that, but Emily turned to look at Quinn when she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you did?" She scoffed. "You might want to check the dates on those tickets, Rachel, because Cats closed about 11 years ago."

"He did seem crazy." Rachel sighed, after looking at the tickets in her hands and checking the dates, only to see Quinn was actually right. "He charged my credit card by swiping it through his butt crack."

"He... What?" Emily whispered, absolutely shocked Rachel not only would mistake any type of information about Broadway that was pretty much common knowledge, but would also believe someone who charged her by swiping her credit card through... You know what? She didn't even want to say it.

Noticing her shock, however, Sam smiled, throwing an arm around her shoulders as he used his other arm to point at all the buildings and people around there.

"That's New York for you, baby." He said, using one of his impressions as Emily laughed, trying not to blush too hard at the fact that he had just called her baby, again.


"Do you know that I can get an ahi tartare and a steak sandwich at 3:00 in the morning from their all-night dining menu?" Kurt told Emily as she sat beside him on the bed of the boys' room with the rest of the glee club hanging around as well. "I feel like Eloise."

"I have pills for that." Brittany offered, as Kurt frowned at Emily.

The girl shrugged a bit but smiled anyway.

"To be fair, I also don't know what you're talking about." She said, and — thankfully — before he could start ranting about whatever it was that he had just referenced, Mr. Schue spoke up.

"All right, guys. This is your time." He said, a smile on his face as everyone turned to look at him. "Now, you are all on lock-down till you finish writing our songs for nationals. I want at least two solid verses by the time I get back."

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