Chapter 11: The Bear Paw: second time round

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Chapter 11: The Bear Paw: second time round

That evening, as Samina sat in The Bear Paw awaiting Tom, she had a sense of déja vu. She recognized some of Tom's friends who were sitting at the same table they'd occupied last time, and the redhead, who had just, just entered. It seemed to Samina that, whether deliberate or otherwise, the redhead had done an excellent job of imitating a peacock tonight. She was encased in another form-fitting number, but one with swirls of iridescent colours. A black, fan-shaped embellishment adorned her unnaturally bright, but oddly attractive red hair which was done up in a bun. Last time it had hung in loose ringlets past her shoulders.

Samina felt as if she was on the set of a Western movie. The poor hero (herself) sat in the saloon, nursing a beer, after a prolonged, dusty trail ride. The doors swung open and in walked a rival, gunning for him. Were she and the redhead going to have a shootout? Should she have worn her field hat?

The redhead's eyes first went to Tom's former table; they next perused the premises and fell on herself. They didn't remain there long, but in that moment a slight frown and a tiny pout marred her pretty features. Neither lasted long, the recollection of the outcome of their 'duel' last time undoubtedly dispelling them. Good thing the redhead hadn't smirked! For if she had, Samina would have smirked back, given how different the result would be this time!

Samina glanced at her watch. It was approaching 7 pm, the time she was to meet Tom. He'd actually suggested that they meet earlier, for dinner, but she'd declined, out of consideration for her nerves. Having dinner with him would have been a far more intimate affair than hanging out with him at The Bear Paw. Besides, here she'd have the benefit of a few drinks to calm her nerves - only if they were needed of course! ... Mmm, she suspected that they might be.

A pitcher of Rickard's sat in front of her. She'd ordered it not only to repay Tom for his purchase last time, but also by way of apology for her unreasonable treatment of him afterwards. She regretted it. After all, he didn't belong to her!

And then, at precisely 6:58 pm - she'd just checked her watch again - Tom walked in. She was sitting at the same table she'd been at, so he immediately spotted her. He smiled and held up his hand and began to walk towards her. As she surveyed him, all of him, she thought of how easy it would be to disregard all else about him and simply fall for his spellbinding looks.

He seemed to have dressed up for the occasion. (She felt flattered!) He was still wearing jeans, but the present ones appeared to accord him more breathing room - umm, not to mention other types of room - than the previous ones had. He'd paired them with a black shirt with white collar and white cuffs which gave him a formal look. It struck her that Wolverine should consider dressing up sometimes. On second thought, Wolverine's habit of routinely losing his clothes, or at least his shirt, over the course of his day was still preferred!

As she watched Tom, he appeared even more fetching to her than he had the first time she'd seen him. How was that even possible? She smiled, amused as she recalled the manner in which she'd viewed him then, as a massive (and rather delectable) piece of eye candy! But wait, wasn't that how men often - generally? - regarded an attractive woman, less as a thinking, feeling human being, and more as an ornamental, titillating, umm ... sexual one? Not that she herself had any need of the latter ... at the present stage of her life anyway!

But perhaps she shouldn't feel too guilty over that transgression. After all, men had the upper hand in every single society of which she was aware - the disparity truly was global! Unless, of course, there was some hitherto undiscovered tribe of Amazon women in which men had the status of slaves, catering to women's (every) need. If that was the case, she wouldn't mind hooking up with them for a little while, and taking Tom along with her! That Tom, Chris, Phil and Grant had an implicit advantage over her in the society in which she did reside was both eye-opening and disturbing, particularly for a feminist - no, correction, staunch feminist! - like herself. Funny, but she'd never thought of it in personal terms before!

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