Chapter 23: "You don't believe in what?"

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This chapter is dedicated to @Alicia_Music_Lover. (She and @beverlyamethyst16 have been after me about having Tom & Samina kiss ;-)! When I first approached @Alicia_Music_Lover about reading my novel, I began to receive PM's from her on a daily basis. I was a little taken aback. I thought, who is this person whom I don't know, writing to me ;-)? I now thank her for them, as we have become friends as a result, despite the fact that there is a generational difference between us, as I like to remind her of, regularly ;-).

She is an author as well & has a novel on WP. Please check it out!


Chapter 23: "You don't believe in what?"

While Tom waited for 'matters' to subside before pulling on his jeans - just his jeans, nothing else - he mulled over Samina's reaction. Granted, it was the first time that they were meeting after telling each other that they loved one another, but with any other woman, certainly with all of his previous girlfriends, to have been found in the condition he was in, frankly, would have been a bit of a joke. They would both have laughed over it and then proceeded upstairs and dealt with his 'problem'.

Not so, Samina. She had not been amused. In fact, she'd looked a little ... shocked. Aww, he'd just caught her by surprise, that's all! No big deal! He'd straighten it out. After all, they were boyfriend-girlfriend now. Weren't they?

The fact that they were, meant that he should be able to take certain liberties around her, like wander around the house without his shirt on? Right? It was a hot day. Had he been alone in the house, that's what he would have done. Besides, before the night was through, he was going to be revealing a lot more of himself to her, and she to him. He hoped she wasn't one of those women who liked to make out in the dark. Soft lighting, okay. But he liked to be able to see a woman, see her face, her reactions, her body - all of her body! - while he was making love to her. Especially when a woman was on top of him, mmm, he liked to be able to see her!

Despite Samina's less than encouraging reaction, he wasn't aiming to take it slow. No! He just wanted her too much! The last, frigging week had felt like a whole year! Instead, he was gonna play it by ear. But he was also gonna try to make things happen. At the thought of all that would happen, eventually, a smile appeared on his lips.

As he tripped down the stairs, he saw Samina standing in front of the hallway mirror, raking her fingers through her hair. She had taken her hat off. Her back was to him, but he could see a partial reflection of her in the mirror. He'd noticed that one thing she generally seemed reluctant to part with were her sunglasses. No matter. The sunglasses were coming off. The dress was coming off. The bra - presumably she was wearing one, although there was always the possibility that she'd planned a surprise for him! - was coming off. The underwear was coming off. It was all ... coming off!

"Hi," he murmured, coming up to her and taking her hand.

"Hi," she mumbled uncertainly, turning and looking at him, but not before taking in the sight of his bare chest. Jelly knee alert!

"Are you planning to keep your sunglasses on? There isn't a whole lotta sun in here," he quipped, grinning.

"Oh, no," she mumbled. She didn't appear to have found his remark nearly as humorous as he did! Removing them, she squatted down and took a case out of her backpack and slipped them inside.

Reclaiming her hand, he murmured, "Sorry ... about what happened out there." He nodded towards the door while smiling sheepishly, but at the same time disarmingly, at her.

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