Chapter 42: Tit for tat

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This chapter is dedicated to AngelsDreamsOn. Though I have not seen Anjali since chapter 31 or so, I remain extremely grateful to her for the infectious enthusiasm she displayed for the book up to that point, for her encouraging comments/PM's & her support :-)!

Thank u so much, Anjali :-)! I really appreciate it!

She is an author as well & has a book on WP. Please check it out :-)!


Chapter 42: Tit for tat

"Stay here, Chris," Samina murmured, rising, while keeping her eyes fixed on Tom. "Actually, can you take some readings?" she asked, handing Chris her compass clinometer. She had no idea how long this was going to take!

"Sure," Chris muttered, taking it from her.

She strode towards Tom, noting that he didn't appear any happier with her than she was with him at the moment. Although she knew she had a leg, (or two), to stand on, she couldn't help but gulp. If there was such a thing as 'hostility waves,' they were emanating – umm, more like pulsating? – from Tom right now!

He seemed to have dressed up to go and see the doctor. He was wearing black pants and the black shirt with the white collar and cuffs that she liked so much. And with that intimidating posture he'd adopted? He looked frightening, but at the same time, yummy! Absolutely yummy! Every single inch of him! She was much more inclined to unbutton his shirt, slowly, teasingly, and taste his pecs right now than she was to bother with anything else. But it would be unseemly to do so in front of Chris! Oh, what was she thinking? She should be getting ready to have it out with him!

When she stepped within speaking range of him, her eyes migrated warily to his. His own – oh, she'd been right about them being scary, but had clearly underestimated the degree! – had been boring into her the entire time. She had only mustered up the courage to confirm that fact briefly along the way, very briefly, as in a few times, just a few. She'd spent the rest of the time feigning nonchalance, surveying outcrops along the way. That would be the same ones she and Chris had pored over this morning!

Looking daggers at her, Tom silently wheeled and circled to the front of his truck. She supposed that she was to follow him? When he turned around to face her, he looked so angry that she was tempted to take a step back, perhaps more than one.

"Hi," he bit out brusquely, folding his arms over his chest. It was the most unfriendly 'hi' she had ever heard from him! Perhaps from anyone? He obviously felt compelled to greet her, but looked as if he'd much rather kill her!

She nodded back sombrely. She would have said something, but found that her throat had gone dry. She supposed, however, that it was her turn to say something? Swallowing uncomfortably, she squeaked, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was visiting my mother ..."

"Oh, your mother? How is she?"

He shrugged. "As well as can be expected, I guess."

She bobbed her head up and down in acknowledgement.

"And then ..." he muttered, continuing to glare unwaveringly at her, "I got this call from two guys I work with who are on patrol right now." "Right along here, in fact," he added sarcastically, his gaze sweeping the adjacent stretch of highway.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah," he nodded, coolly – actually, more like cold-hot, as in ice cold and scorching hot! "They said they saw this girl screaming and jumping up and down by the side of the highway. And that it looked like she and a guy were fighting earlier."

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