Christmas Special: The Christmas Ornament

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                                                       ~○•The Christmas Ornament •○~

Author note: Hey :) Its Christmas eve Anyways, Enjoy! :D

                   Christmas. One of my favourite holidays. When people sip on their hot chocolate and sit around the fire place, talking about stories. And who can forget about the presents?! Who doesn't love presents? I know I do, but I hope I don't get a coal for Christmas; Santa don't be so cruel! Yeah, I don't believe in Santa Claus either but, hey it's Christmas, anything can happen on Christmas.

I lean against the windowsill and sipped on my hot chocolate. It was cold but I didn't mind; winter was just too beautiful to miss. I watch as a million white snowflakes, fall gently from the sky. It's so beautiful. This is one of the things I love about having a white christmas, it's so white and everything looked so clean. I always get this feeling like something special is going to happen, but I'm probably just hallucinating. You see, every year I just spend my christmas with my family; I'm not complaining or anything but I just want to spend my christmas with my friends for once. Maybe there's a way for me to invite them? Yeah, probably not.

"Emily. Are you going to help decorate the christmas tree?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I guess its time to decorate the tree.

"I'm coming!" I quickly slide off the windowsill and flicked on my christmas lights. Yes, I decorated my room with christmas lights. I know it's a waste of electricity but it was just too tempting to resist.

The room immediately shined in multiple colours and the lights were flashing rapidly. Woah, I should decorate more often. Maybe I can ask Lily for help; she's good at decorating. I chuckled and ran out the door. Yay, time to decorate the christmas tree!

"Mom! Don't start without me!" I yelled, running down the stairs in a hurry. They better not or I won't show any mercy! Especially if they put the star on the top. No mercy.

"Too late! We already started!" Cameron yelled. No! That jerk! I scurried through the halls and quickly entered the living room; they were still wrapping the tree with the christmas lights. Phew! He lied; I had a feeling he did.

"You liar!" I screamed as I take the other end of the wire. He smirked at me. The tree wasn't too ginormous, but it wasn't too small either. it was just perfect.

"I don't get the point of this. Why do we have to decorate a christmas tree every year? It's such a waste of time." Cameron said. I gasped. How dare he say that! Shame on him! If this is a waste of time then he's a bigger waste of time! Not the best comeback but at least I didn't say it out loud, and possibly humiluated myself.

"Its a tradition! Now shut your yapping and get the ornaments." My mom ordered him and he mumbles something under his breathe. Aw poor guy. Not. Haha serves him right!

"Yeah you tell him, mom!" I raised my hand for her to slap it but she just stares at it. I sigh. Seriously? She doesn't even know what's a high five??

"Mom, you're suppose to slap it." I said and she glances at it, cocking her head.

"Oh! How stupid of me." She laughs and immediately slaps it. The things I teach my mom.

"Remember that's called a high five." I told her and she raised her eyebrows at me. What? I'm just saying. Who doesn't know what's a high five? Oh wait, my mom doesn't. She firmly places her hands on her wide hips. Oh, look like I'm going to be in trouble now.

"Emily Karen Johnson! You dare talk to your mother this way?" She scolded at me. Wow, someone's on their period. She doesn't usually use my full name, unless she's going to erupt soon. It's not my fault she doesn't know what's a high five; I'm just stating the facts here. I'm innocent!

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