Moving On

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"No Bonnie," Elena giggled as Bonnie stepped closer with a curling iron in her hand. "It's just a stupid school dance! We're in college, we don't need to get on little girly dresses and curl our hair, just to impress college guys!"

"Come on, just one night?" Bonnie pouted, resting on hand on her hip.

"I'm a vampire, and I don't know how it happened, I don't know where Stefan is or Damon for that matter, and you want you do my hair? And since when are you so interested in college parties? Ever since Caroline left with Tyler, you've been walking on eggshells around me, Bonnie, why?" Elena asked, eyeing her brunette friend curiously.

"I haven't, and if you want to stay inside that's your loss, but I'm going out," Bonnie replied quickly, to draw suspicion away from herself. Elena had lost her memory about four month ago and Klaus was still pressuring Bonnie into tracking down witches for the spell.

"Come on, Elena, for me?" A British voice added from the door of the bathroom.

"Sorry, Rebekah, you and Bonnie can go without me, I'm not in the party mood." Elena sighed, falling back into her bed.

Rebekah moved in with Bonnie and Elena, but Elena had no clue who she was, or what she was.

"Come on! You used to be fun," Rebekah whined, stepping out of the bathroom, with her hair curled and the sparkly coral dress that she had worn to the party. She treasured the dress and the memory that it represented, the last time her and Elena spent together, as sisters.

"That's a cute dress, where did you get it?" Elena asked, looking over Rebekah's dress. Rebekah's eyes watered slightly, and she laughed at how funny the whole situation sounded.

"My sister and I got dresses at the mall, but she's gone now." Rebekah frowned, before stepping closer to the dresser and pulling out a dark purple dress, Elena's dark purple dress.

Rebekah held it out to Elena and she stood up, looking at it in deep concentration. It seemed to spark some sort of memory which brought a smile to Bonnie's and Rebekah's lips.

"Is this mine?" Elena questioned, narrowing her eyes, and hesitantly grabbing the dress, feeling the fabric.

Rebekah didn't answer and Elena looked away from the dress and at Rebekah.

"I have to go." Elena rushed out of the room, leaving the dress on the bed.

She ran out of the hall, and towards the stairs, but before she could take another step she was yanked into a classroom.

"Damon, Stefan what are you doing here and why is she here?" Elena asked, filling with anger as she glared at her doppelgänger.

"You took it?" Katherine exclaimed, letting a disbelieving smile slip into her lips.

"Took what? What are you planning?" Elena looked between all of them, as their faces showed nothing except disbelief. "What!?"

"Don't you remember?" Damon's eyes filled with guilt as he looked at his shoes. Elena narrowed her eyes in confusion, Damon was never like this, sarcastic, snarky, even impulsive, but never... guilty.

"Remember what?" Elena drawled out, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"That your an original," Katherine cut in before Stefan or Damon could reveal anything. Elena's eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly.

"An original?" Elena was even more confused, since she lost all memories of the the originals, and what they were.

"Here I'll prove it," Katherine smirked, breaking the leg of a chair and stabbing it isn't Elena's chest, directly in her heart.

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