The Beginning

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The girl gasped as the boy gripped the back of her wet hair and plunged her back into the water. She struggled and tried to kick him but he held fast. She felt her vision blurring and her lungs ached. The boy pulled her out and she clawed at his grip on her head, gulping down air as if it was gold dust.
"Tell me what I want to know." He whispered in her ear. She said nothing, trying to pull free of the boy's grip. He plunged her back into the ice cold water. Tears streamed from her eyes, mixing with the bowl of water. He pulled her out sooner this time, and released his grip ever so slightly.
"I don't want to hurt you," he said. "You know that." The girl shuddered. She didn't know anything, her mind was as blank as the ocean that surrounded everything she did know. Or used to. The boy leaned in her ear again.
"Just tell me what I want to know." The girl said nothing, and braced herself for the lack of air and the freezing water on her face. But it never came. Instead, she heard the boy sigh and mutter: "I didn't want it to come to this." He released his grip almost entirely but not before clasping a cloth over her mouth and nose.
"You'll be okay," he said, as her eyelids drooped and she felt herself sliding to the floor. "I won't let them hurt you." The girl slumped against the boy's chest as darkness came washing over her. But before she slipped away, she heard the boy speaking again.
"I'll keep you safe. Always."

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