Chapter 5

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You closed your eyes as you laid down in the bed he demanded you lay on. He stared at you, his whitish purple eyes watching your every movement.

He mumbled something to himself, then slumped against the corner of the box, glaring at you.

"How dare you try to escape. I had warned you never to leave the box."

"You had never said those words exactly..." you mumbled to yourself, but his eyes read your expression and he growled lowly.

"You knew better. Yet you did it anyways. At this rate I'm never going to find a way out for you, you're just gonna get your self killed." He crossed his arms.

You stared at him then shook your head. You leaned against the box.

You mumbled something under your breath, and he looked away.

You glares at him then laid down, Turing your back to him, and closed your eyes.

You soon fell into a restless sleep as he watched you quietly.




Puppet X Reader | ✔️ | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now