Chapter 4

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You awoke to a creaking sound, as the door to the top of the box slowly crept open.

You heard the puppet chuckle and something like knives slice together in that metallic sound you knew so well.

You heard a whoosh, and the box lid gave a loud thump as it hit the wall.

"FREEDOM!" The puppet said as he literally sprang into action.

You sat up blinking away the sleep that clouded your vision, though, when you heard the sounds of screaming and slicing of organs, you found yourself wishing you had never woken up to begin with.

You sighed and stood beginning to make your way out of the tiny prison he had brought you to.

As you began to stand, though, your legs wobbled and you immediately collapsed on the floor.

"Gosh darn it...ugh..." the world swayed as the dim lights from the ceiling above began to grow dimmer and dimmer with each wave of dizziness that swarmed your every being.

You shook your head cursing and managed to trip over something which immediately left searing pain up your foot as it cut through your shoe.

You winced and knelt down to pick it up, only to find that it was the knife you had managed to sneak from your parents.

"You're not getting away that easily you endoskeleton!" Said a voice from behind you.

You turn holding the knife aloft to the face you knew from your nightmares.

...Freddy fazbear


I rushes back after hearing my little puppet scream out in terror.

Who the hells messing with her~?

I growls out stretching my claws.

I rushed, the fresh blood of the night guard leaving a path behind me.

I didn't care, and just sprang forwards at the creature.

I scratched at the thing, metal against metal, growling like a rabid animal.

Freddy stumbled back, his red eyes becoming white again.

The soul that inhabited the suit looked at me, and I looked back as it came towards me.m

"Don't all humans deserve their punishment... why won't you let us have her..."

"Because she's mine to punish... mine and mine alone..." I knew this was true, that car crash was fate, and it was my duty to seal it.

The ghost growled angrily, but after a quick glare at him, he darted back into the suit and sauntered off.

The young lady was clutching her chest on her knees, holding the knife I found on the ground within her small hand...

Those hands... they looks so...soft-

I shook my head cursing myself out. "Hey, you good?" I glared at her.

She slowly nodded and stood shaking, and it was evident she wasn't.

I saw the blood that was rising from the wound on her foot that must've been inflicted by the knife, and sighed. "Get in the box... NOW!" I growled out stretching my claws.

She whimpered slightly, a pitiful noise, and climbed into the box.

I soon followed.

Puppet X Reader | ✔️ | CompletedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora