Chapter 4

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Enjoy Chapter four.


Kyo's POV

My first impression of Shigure's room, it's not what I was expecting. Once he closed the door and flipped on the light, I couldn't believe it. Instead of finding a dungeon or a hidden torture chamber of some kind, it looks perfectly normal.

The walls are three different colors. The one across from us is green. The same color as leaves in the spring. The one we're walking through is white. There's a huge sliding door to my right, leading to a small balcony with an incredible looking view of the land surrounding the house even at night. The last wall is the one his bed is up against, it's a darker gray. I pick up on the sound of trickling water.

"Come on in, Kyo," Shigure invites, "there's nothing in here that's going to jump out and bite."

"Yeah, except maybe the few dozen or so skeletons that may or may not be located inside your closet" I reply, taking another step in, The flooring against my feet is the same one on the first floor, so it's nothing new. Shigure gets a humorous look in his eye.

"Well, I can't promise they won't take a bite out of you." He chuckles.

I look around some more. His desk sits up against the green wall. Surprisingly, there's not much on it, apart from his computer, a stack of paper, and a really weird looking thing that I can't make out sitting on the corner. I walk closer, Shigure following close behind. As I approach, the sound of trickling water gets louder. Looking at it closely, I realize, it's a desk fountain with a small stream of water going down. I turn to face him.

"You have a small water fountain on your desk?" He nods

"Yes," Shigure replies, "It sometimes helps me while I'm writing, if the house is too quiet too or too hectic like when you and Yuki would get into your daily squabbles I'd turn this on and get back to work." He points at it with his finger. "That little gadget also helps me sometimes in falling asleep." I raise a brow at this.

"You have trouble sleeping, why?"

"Because being an author is a lot more stressful at times than a lot of people think," he replies. "I mean there's brainstorming, the outlining, the actual writing of the book and putting it on paper. All of that would be fine if I also didn't have to worry about deadlines. Once I go to lay my head down, my head won't turn off. The sound of running water helps me turn off my brain, it relieves my stress." Shigure's eyes go misty "However, that sound doesn't just help me with stress from my career, it helps me when problems in my life become too much. Like having to deal with Kureno and the thought of him and..."

"And what?" He shakes his head.

"It's nothing Kyo," he replies, glancing towards a door to my left. "But speaking of stress relief, my bathroom's right through there, come on." I nod and follow.

As we go by the wall his bed's against, I notice Shigure's bookshelves are lined with books, all in alphabetical order. Also unlike Touru and I, Shigure's the only one of us who has a bed instead of a futon, he has a white sheet and black comforter.

He slides the door back. My eyes widen again, mouth falling open slightly. If I was a bit taken aback by the look of Shigure's bedroom, only one word describes my response to his bathroom. Stunned.

White marble makes up the surface so clean it shines. It has white walls on all four sides, the lighting dim. There's a counter with a double sink, with a towel rack on both sides. The crown jewels of the space are a large walk-in shower, so big I can't see where it ends from here, and a large white bathtub. I take a step back.

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