Part 4

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Okay so before you read the chapter, I just wanted to say there is a mental illness thing and I hope that every one fees okay and has no issues with this kind of stuff. But I know that there are a lot of people who are struggling with mental health issues and I do to, so If you want to talk to someone my dms are open. Okay enjoy the story🤍

It's been a couple of days since I've been to the studio, cause I had to go to meetings about the 3 singles and the music videos. And we've already started to film the thank u, next video and It's so exciting. Y/N is coming to set today cause I asked her to take a break from the studio. She's been working on the songs 24/7 which I adore but she really needs to take a break from that dark room.

I was just getting glammed up when my phone started ringing. I looked at the ID and I already smiled. "Hi, bub," I said after I picked it up. "Hey, I just arrived, which one is your trailer?" "It's black." "Oh yeah I see it, be there in a sec." "Okay."

A couple of seconds later the door opened and she stepped inside. "Hi everyone." She said. "Hiii," I said and smiled at her through the mirror. "I brought you some lunch. My nonna made it." "OMG thank you, I really needed this. Say thank you to her please." I said. She walked closer and leaned down to give me a hug which I reciprocated of course. "How are you? How's your leg?"I asked while she sat down on the couch next to us. "It's so much better, I can walk on my own but it still hurts sometimes. I'm tired, I haven't left the studio in 2 days." "Oh, bubu you need to rest, as much as you like to do that you have to sleep. Have you been eating and sleeping enough?" I asked worriedly. "Of courseeee..." She said looking away. "Y/N you are not allowed to go to the studio for 3 days. I'm sure the boys and Vic will deal with it till you are not there." "But I need to finish some stuff..." "No buts, you will stay home. And by the way, your nonna is in town and she will leave soon so you should spend some time with her." "My dad will take her to his place for a week so she will not be with me." She said in an annoyed tone. "What was that tone?" I asked looking at her.

*Y/N's POV*

She looked at me with a questioning look. "I don't really like my dad." I said. "Why?" "I tell you later I don't really have the energy to tell you the whole thing," I said and closed my eyes. "Omg, this is so good." I heard her say and opened my eyes to see that she's eating what I brought to her. "That's one of her best dishes. I love it too." "You should meet my nonna. She's a really good cook too." "That would be cool, but you know a short girl said that I can't leave my house for 3 days so I don't really want to make her angry. She is small but very violent." I said with a smirk. "I'm literally not violent. I just want you to rest. But tomorrow you will come over for dinner and my nonna will cook, after that maybe you could stay maybe and watch a movie or something..." Just the two of us? "Oh, you asking me out huh, Grande?" "Omg shut up." She chuckled but didn't look at me. "Yeah sure, just tell me when I should go." "Ariana on set in 5 minutes." A guy poked his head in the door. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute." She said with her mouth full of food.

Later that day I was watching the crew walking around and the big cameras pointing to the singer's way. Suddenly I felt two hands covering my eyes. "What the fuck? Who is this?" I asked with my eyes still covered. "Guess." A girl's voice said. "Court... Okay, you can let me go." I said then she removed her hands. "You no fun." She said. "That's not true." I heard a voice behind me then I felt two arms wrapping around my waist. Nobody's that small so I already knew who it was. "Well thank you." I smiled at her then laid my head on top of hers.

*Courtney's POV*

These two... In the past weeks, they have grown so close. But like so close. The other day they were sleeping on the couch together but like Ari was on top of Y/N, and then at the other time I thought they're gonna kiss, Ariana was so close to Y/N's face while taking an eyelash off of her face. And they do this all the time. Not that I'm angry just omg date already. "You guys are weird," I said looking at them. "Why?" Y/N asked. "You both know why, and if what I think will not happen in... like two months, I will do something about it and it will be painful for both of you," I said with a smile.

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