Chapter VI

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Roland's POV

As soon as she left the hut, I held my head in my hands and went to sit on the bed. After resting there for a while, I let out a low groan.

"What was I thinking? Like, seriously??"

I flipped onto the bed and looked up at the roof, replaying all that I said and did.

Dance for me, Amana.

Don't stop.

I raked my hands through my hair in pure frustration. What I'd done there was not right, in any way. I violated her, used her even. How was she even going to look at me now?

Speaking the truth, I had been angered when Enzi came and took her to dance. Everyone had begun cheering for her, and I was quite intrigued myself. Then, she began to dance.

I couldn't get my eyes off of her. My, oh my, she could dance. The sway of her hips illuminated by the fire just made the scene even more enticing. My eyes suddenly saw red when that boy began to make moves on her. I wanted to wring him off of her, to........stake my claim?

Sitting up suddenly made me pull a vein, and the pain was explosive. I groaned in pain as I massaged the pulled jugular and rested on my back again.

Amana was beautiful, but, stake my claim? Was I jealous of Enzi? Is that why I'd asked her to dance for me, just so that I can feel that she is......mine?

I looked up at the roof now, and began what I did when I had no idea what to do about a particular situation.


"God, I don't know what's going on with me. I just met this girl not a while ago. A month hasn't even passed yet, but I feel like her. For once, I actually like someone. There are many girls from where I came from, but I just happened to like one who's in another continent, and knows nothing of you and your existence. I know that what I did was wrong, and I ask for forgiveness. Is she.......the one?"

I felt a little bit better after that prayer. The thoughts of her and what I did were still strong and vivid in my mind. If only I had my Bible.....

Lead her to me.

I sat up abruptly, and I suddenly remembered the deal I made with her. She was to teach me Swahili while I taught her about God!

That way, we both got something out of it all. I sent a silent prayer of thanks to Him and went to sleep, but not before stating it in my head that I was not going to go after her again, no matter how much I liked her.


The knock on my door made my stomach churn. I didn't think I was ready to see her again. The previous night had been haunting me for the most part of the night.

Seeing her again after what happened last night made me feel terrible. I had made my bed, now I had to lie in it.

Holding on to the door handle, I mustered up my courage and opened it. To my surprise, it was princess Banoa standing there, a small smile on her face.

"Good morning, Roland. I thought it best to accompany you to breakfast this morning."

Seeing the genuine enthusiasm on her face, I agreed to her invitation. As we walked to the eating hut, we had a small conversation about the celebration of the night prior. I had left early, but, it was quite intriguing and fascinating.

"Ah, you are here, Lord Roland. Sit, let's eat, while the food is still warm."

I tried to chow down the contents in the plate, but it proved to be difficult. Where was Amana? She was supposed to be here already.

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