The Author's Note

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I said that I wouldn't do an author's note throughout the story, but why not start now?

Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout the growth of this novel. That includes my lovely boyfriend, of course, and many people who critiqued my story. For me, 13k reads is crazy!

As of 14/01/15, I have only rewritten the FIRST FIVE chapters. Which is hardly anything! But hopefully in the coming year I will pluck up the courage (and my pen), and begin to rewrite the other load.


Kyran - Kye-ran (like... Kyle. The 'Ky' in Kyle.)

Anastasia - Ana-stay-see-ah

Ciara - See-ar-ah

Cynfael - Sin-fy-el

Calloway - Cal-oh-way

Also, I'm beginning a new book called Praecantrix. Please have a look.

I think that's about it.

Thank you for joining me on the journey of The Ordinary Dead. c:

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