The Epilogue [From Ciara's point of view]

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The day of Kyran's funeral was the most upsetting day of my life so far.

After I left the building with my father, I told him that there was still a cat left out in the Land Rover. I couldn't bare to leave her behind. I went back to the Land Rover, and took Muffin out. She was glad to see me, and she mewed and purred at the idea of being brought back with me. She didn't seem to mind Leliel either, and because he was also hurt, she could tell that he needed to be cared for. She lay in his arms for the rest of the walk to a hotel.

We stayed in a grum little hotel for a couple of days before we found somewhere to live. It was a nice little apartment with a very small amount of rent - which we didn't mind anyway, because Leliel could also do the mind tricks, which reminded me of Kyran.

A week later, I realized that I probably would never get over Kyran. I would never forgive Cynfael for what he did to him, and never forgive Anastasia for betraying us. I couldn't believe, and I still can't, that she would do such a thing and betray her own brother for a little bit of recognition from her evil father.

The funeral was yesterday. Because Kyran was a demon, he wasn't allowed to be buried, and the funeral wasn't even in a church. I didn't mind that, though, and I doubt he would have either. He was always quite anti religious I think, but maybe that was just the way Cynfael brought him up. I think that if there is a God, he's a sadistic person, being, or whatever he's actually meant to be. Leliel doesn't believe in a god, and he's an angel - which just tells you something about his existence. 

Instead of being in a church, the funeral was held in the middle of a forest in a clearing. It was a lot like the one we'd stopped in on our way to find Leliel, but somewhere different, where the grass was overgrown and the flowers grew at the sides, and weeds grew around them.

Hardly any of his family turned up to see him pass on. I didn't mind. It was a quiet funeral and suited him well, and I think if he was to sort it out himself and actually specify how he wanted to be buried, that would be how he wanted to go. 

Only Calloway, Cecily and Lucian showed up to spread Kyran's ashes. Because Leliel was the closest thing to a religious being, he acted as the priest instead, because we weren't in a church. We all reached into the urn and spread some of his ashes together, around the clearing. 

Even though Leliel didn't know Kyran well, he still spoke highly of him - of the funny moments, of how well he took care of me, and how happy he was. He spoke of what a nice person he was to be around, and said that it was an honour to know him. Leliel knew exactly what I would say.

When it was my turn to speak, I didn't say much about how much I loved him. He knows I love him still. I couldn't care less if he was dying with the most deadly, contagious disease in the world, and if he wasn't burnt to ashes, I'd still kiss him. I still love him. Instead, I spoke about when we first met. I spoke jokingly about Brendan, and what he did, and said that he saved me from a life I wished would end. I spoke also about how kind he was and how much of a good life he'd had.

I was wearing the same dress he'd brought me. When I looked into the mirror in the apartment I live in this morning, I remembered what it was like when he looked at me when I first tried on the dress. He looked at me as if he'd seen all the beauty in the world in a single person. I think that if he was still here, he'd comfort me as I cried over him, and tell me that even though my eyes were puffy and my cheeks were red, he'd still tell me i was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

Calloway was the nicest of his family that was there that day. He played the role of Kyran well that day, and tried to comfort me when I cried. It was nice to have someone that was actually there for me, and Leliel seemed sad, too. He couldn't comfort me as much because he was playing the role of a priest that day. Calloway was the nicest to me. I could tell that he was sympathetic towards me, and was also upset that his brother died too. 

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